Friday, 29 April 2011
Muslims laid the foundation of physical science
It is an undeniable historical fact that before the advent of Islam, the pursuit of Science was condemned as heresy. One does not have to go far to seek the reason for this. At that time, most people could not think in the abstract and they looked upon the elements of Nature (the subject that Science concerns itself with) as sacred objects, possessing supernatural powers. They made idols symbolizing different elements and worshipped them as gods and goddesses, either for protection from evil or for attainment of certain objects. It was in this way that a pantheon was created and the sun, moon, stars, air, water, animals, and even trees and stones, were deified and adored.
It was not unnatural that in such circumstances, any deviation from the prevailing belief in their sanctity should have been branded as sacrilege, and any attempt at a critical examination of their potentiality, for good or evil, stigmatized as profanity. Thus, all that was useful in the heavens and the earth remained altogether unexplored, and for thousands of years man did not realise the sublime utility of the forces of Nature. It was reserved for the untutored son of the desert to open man's eye to the wonderland of Nature by bringing down her elements from the high pedestal of divinity on which they had been placed, to the position of servants of mankind.
The subservience of natural elements to man
The Quran says (what means):
“And He has made subservient to you the night and the day and the sun and moon and the stars are made subservient by His commandment; most surely there are signs in this for people to ponder...” [Quran 16:12]
Thus were the gods of the pre-Islamic people reduced by one stroke to the status of man's servants. For the first time in the history of the world, the Holy Quran declared in unmistakable language that the main purpose for which all objects -- from the mightiest sun to the most insignificant atom -- were created was to minister to man's needs. Everything in the Universe being intended for his use, man has been commanded to use his faculties to investigate their intrinsic properties -- in other words, to cultivate every branch of Science in order to discover the Divine that designed him and the world around him.
In the Quran, man was declared the vicegerent on earth by the Lord of the Universe and everything in it was subservient to him. Thus, the Quran gave a tremendous impetus to the development of scientific research. In fact, the foundation of modern Science was thus laid by acquainting man with the real nature of the forces and laws of Nature and by teaching him how to harness them for the service of human beings.
The initiation of the conquest of Nature leading to the utilisation of its forces for the benefit of humanity is, indeed, one of the greatest blessings Islam has conferred upon mankind.
The Quran clearly indicated the way in which to reduce Nature to human service by contemplation and observation of four kinds, viz., Tafaqquh, Tadabbur, Tafakkur and Ta’aqqul (learning, pondering, contemplation, and meditation). By means of Tafaqquh (learning) a correct idea of things and their different features can be arrived at; by Tadabbur (pondering) the knowledge of how to utilize them properly can be acquired, Tafakkur (contemplation) teaches the ways by which things have come into existence while Ta'aqqul (meditation) gives the knowledge which enables man to make the right use of different things in everyday life.
It was the meditations indicated by Tafakkur and Ta'aqqul that actuated different kinds of scientific research among the early Muslims. This is how the Quran placed in the hands of man the key to the treasures of Nature and Divine Revelation came to show him the way to material progress. Everything in the Universe having been intended for the use of man, it was a virtuous act for him to conduct research into the realms of Nature in order to discover the utility of its various components. Thus the first principle of progress — the exploration and subsequent utilization of the forces of Nature to serve the needs of mankind and help him realize the Greatness of his Creator— became an article of faith with the Muslims, and impelled them to engage in scientific research.
From: A Simple Guide to Islam’s Contribution to Science and Civilisation
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Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Why do Muslims think that Islam is true?
There are many reasons for this, which include the following:
(1) The Muslim worships One God, Who has no partner, and Who has the most beautiful names and the highest attributes. Thus the Muslim’s focus and aim is concentrated, focused on His Lord and Creator; he puts his trust in Him and asks Him for help, patience and support; he believes that Allaah is able to do all things, and has no need of a wife or son. Allaah created the heavens and earth; He is the One Who gives life and death; He is the Creator and Sustainer from Whom the slave seeks provision.
He is the All-Hearing Who responds to the supplication of His slave, and from Whom the slave hopes for a response. He is the All-Merciful and All-Forgiving, to Whom the slave turns in repentance when he has committed a sin or fallen short in his worship of Allaah. He is the Omniscient and All-Seeing, who knows all intentions and what is hidden in people’s hearts. The slave feels ashamed to commit a sin by doing wrong to himself or to others, because his Lord is watching over him and sees all that he does. He knows that Allaah is All-Wise, the Seer of the Unseen, so he trusts that what Allaah decrees for him is good; he knows that Allaah will never be unjust to him, and that everything that Allaah decrees for him is good, even if he does not understand the wisdom behind it.
(2) The effects of Islaamic worship on the soul of the Muslim include the following:
Prayer keeps the slave in contact with his Lord; if he enters it in a spirit of humiliation and concentration, he will feel tranquil and secure, because he is seeking a "powerful support," which is Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted. For this reason, the Prophet of Islaam, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to say: "Let us find relaxation and joy in prayer." If something distressed him, he would hasten to pray. Everyone who finds himself faced with disaster and tries prayer finds strength, patience and consolation, because he is reciting the words of his Lord, which cannot be compared to the effect of the words of a created being. If the words of some psychologists can offer a little comfort, what do you think of the words of the One Who created the psychologist?
Now let us look at zakaat, which is one of the pillars of Islaam. Zakaat purifies the soul from stinginess and miserliness, and accustoms people to being generous and helping the poor and needy. It will bring a great reward on the Day of Resurrection, just like other forms of worship. It is not burdensome, like man-made taxes; it is only 25 in every thousand, which the sincere Muslim pays willingly and does not try to evade or wait until someone chases him for it.
Fasting involves refraining from food and sex. It is a form of worship, and a way in which one can feel the hunger of those who are deprived. It is also a reminder of the blessings of the Creator, and it brings rewards beyond measure.
Hajj is the Pilgrimage to the sacred House of Allaah, which was built by Ibraaheem (Abraham, upon whom be peace). By performing Hajj one is obeying the command of Allaah and the call to come and meet Muslims from all over the world.
(3) Islaam commands all kinds of good and forbids all kinds of evil. It encourages good manners and proper treatment of others. It enjoins good characteristics such as truthfulness, patience, deliberation, kindness, humility, modesty, keeping promises, dignity, mercy, justice, courage, patience, friendliness, contentment, chastity, good treatment, tolerance, trustworthiness, gratitude for favours, and self-control in times of anger. Islaam commands the Muslim to fulfil his duty towards his parents and to uphold family ties, to help the needy, to treat neighbours well, to protect and safeguard the wealth of the orphan, to be gentle with the young and show respect to the old, to be kind to servants and animals, to remove harmful things from the road, to speak kind words, to forgive at the time when one has the opportunity to take revenge, to be sincere towards one’s fellow-Muslims, to meet the needs of the Muslims, to give the debtor time to repay his debt, to prefer others over oneself, to console others, to greet people with a smiling face, to visit the sick, to support the one who is oppressed, to give gifts to friends, to honour his guest, to treat his wife kindly and spend on her and her children, to spread the greeting of peace (salaam) and to seek permission before entering another person’s house, lest one see something private that the other person does not want one to see.
Some non-Muslims may do these things out of politeness or good manners, but they are not seeking reward from Allaah or salvation of the Day of Judgement.
If we look at what Islam has prohibited, we will find that it is in the interests of both the individual and society as a whole. All these prohibitions serve to safeguard the relationship between the slave and his Lord, and the relationship of the individual with himself and with his fellow-man. The following examples demonstrate this:
Islam forbids the association of anything in worship with Allaah and the worship of anything other than Allaah, because this spells doom and misery. Islaam also forbids visiting or believing soothsayers and fortune-tellers; magic or witchcraft that may cause a rift between two people or bring them together; belief in the influence of the stars on events and people’s lives; cursing time, because Allaah is directing its affairs; and superstition, because this is pessimism.
Islam forbids cancelling out good deeds by showing off, boasting or reminding others of one’s favours; bowing or prostrating to anything other than Allaah; sitting with hypocrites or immoral people for the purposes of enjoying their company or keeping them company; and invoking the curse or wrath of Allaah on one another or damning one another to Hell.
Islaam forbids urinating into stagnant water; defecating on the side of the road or in places where people seek shade or where they draw water; from facing the qiblah (direction of prayer) or turning one’s back towards it when passing water or stools; holding one’s penis in one’s right hand when passing water; giving the greeting of salaam (peace) to one who is answering the call of nature; and putting one’s hand into any vessel before washing it, when one has just woken up.
Islaam forbids the offering of any nafl (supererogatory) prayers when the sun is rising, when it is at its zenith, and when it is setting, because it rises and sets between the horns of Shaytaan (Satan); praying when there is food prepared that a person desires; praying when one urgently needs to pass water, stools or wind, because that will distract a person from concentrating properly on his prayer.
Islam forbids the Muslim to raise his voice in prayer, lest it disturb other believers; to continue offering supererogatory prayers at night when one feels drowsy - such a person should sleep then get up; to stay up all night in prayer, especially one night after another; and to stop praying when there is doubt as to the validity of one’s wudoo’ - unless one hears a sound or smells an odour.
Islaam forbids buying, selling and making "lost and found" announcements in the mosque - because it is the place of worship and remembrance of Allaah, where worldly affairs have no place.
Islam forbids haste in walking when the iqaamah (call immediately preceding congregational prayer) is given, and prescribes walking in a calm and dignified manner. It is also forbidden to boast about the cost of building a mosque; to decorate a mosque with red or yellow paint or adornments which will distract the worshippers; to fast day after day without a break; and for a woman to observe a supererogatory fast when her husband is present without his permission.
Islaam forbids building over graves, making them high, sitting on them, walking between them wearing shoes, putting lights over them or writing on them. It is forbidden to disinter the dead or to take graves as places of worship. Islam forbids wailing, tearing one’s clothes or leaving one’s hair unkempt when a person dies. Eulogizing the dead in the manner of the times of Ignorance (Jaahiliyyah) is also forbidden, although there is nothing wrong with informing others that a person has died.
Islaam forbids the consumption of riba (interest); all kinds of selling which involve ignorance (of the product), misleading and cheating; selling blood, wine, pork, idols and everything that Allaah has forbidden - their price, whether bought or sold - is haraam; najash, which is offering a price for something one has no intention of buying, as happens in many auctions; concealing a product’s faults at the time of selling; selling something which one does not own or before it comes into one’s possession; undercutting, outbidding or out bargaining another; selling produce before it is clear that it is in good condition and free of blemish; cheating in weights and measures; and hoarding. A partner who has shares in a plot of land or a date palm tree is forbidden to sell his share without consulting his partners. It is forbidden to consume the wealth of orphans unjustly; to bet or gamble; to take anything by force; to accept or offer bribes; to steal people’s wealth or to consume it unjustly; to take something for the purpose of destroying it; to undermine the value of people’s possessions; to keep lost property which one has found, or to keep quiet about it and not announce it, for it belongs to the one who recognizes it; to cheat in any way; to ask for a loan with no intention of repaying it; to take anything of the wealth of a fellow-Muslim, unless it is given freely, because what is taken because of another person’s shyness is haraam; and to accept a gift because of intercession.
Celibacy and castration are forbidden, as is marrying two sisters, or a woman and her aunt (paternal or maternal), whether he marries the aunt after marrying her niece or vice versa, for fear of breaking the ties of kinship. It is forbidden to make deals in marriage, such as saying "Let me marry your daughter and I will give you my daughter or sister in marriage." Such reciprocal deals are a form of oppression and injustice, and haraam. Islaam forbids mut’ah (temporary marriage), which is a marriage contract for a period of time agreed by the two parties, at the end of which the marriage expires. Islaam forbids intercourse with a menstruating woman, until she has purified herself (by taking a bath after her period ends), and also forbids anal intercourse. A man is forbidden to propose marriage to a woman when another man has already proposed to her, unless the other man withdraws his proposal or gives him permission. It is forbidden to marry a previously-married woman without consulting her, or a virgin without seeking her permission. It is forbidden to wish (a newly married couple) "Bi’l-rafaa’ wa’l-baneen (a joyful life and many sons)," because this is the greeting of the people of Jaahiliyyah, who hated daughters. The divorced woman is forbidden to conceal what Allaah has created in her womb (if she is pregnant). A husband and wife are forbidden to speak (to others) about the intimacies of married life. It is forbidden to turn a woman against her husband or to take divorce lightly. It is forbidden for a woman to ask for another’s divorce, such as asking a man to divorce a woman so that she can marry him. A wife is forbidden to spend her husband’s money without his permission, or to keep away from his bed without good reason, because the angels will curse her if she does that. A man is forbidden to marry his father’s wife, or to have intercourse with a woman who is pregnant from another man. It is forbidden for a man to practise ‘azl (coitus interruptus) with his free wife without her permission. It is forbidden for a man to return home from a journey late at night and startle his family, unless he has previously notified them when he will arrive home. A man is forbidden to take anything of his wife’s mahr (dowry) without her consent, or to keep annoying his wife so that she will give up her wealth.
Islaam forbids women to make a wanton display of themselves (tabarruj). It also forbids extreme forms of female circumcision. Women are forbidden to admit anyone into their husband’s home without his permission; his general permission is acceptable so long as they stay within the limits of sharee’ah. It is forbidden to separate a mother and child (in case of divorce); to let one’s womenfolk behave foolishly (in an immoral fashion) and not say anything; to let one’s gaze wander everywhere; and to follow an accidental glance with an intentional glance.
Islaam forbids the eating of dead meat, regardless of whether it died by drowning, strangulation, shock or falling from a high place; eating blood, pork and anything slaughtered in a name other than that of Allaah or for idols; eating the flesh or drinking the milk of beasts that feed on filth and waste matter; eating the flesh of every carnivorous beast that has fangs and every bird that has talons; eating the meat of domesticated donkeys; killing animals by keeping them and throwing stones at them until they die, or detaining them without food until they die; slaughtering with teeth or nails; slaughtering one animal (for food) in front of another; or sharpening the knife in front of the animal to be slaughtered.
In the area of clothing and adornment, men are forbidden the extravagance of wearing gold. Muslim are forbidden to be naked or to expose their thighs; to leave their clothes long (below the ankles) and trail them on the ground for the purpose of showing off; and to wear clothes that will attract attention.
It is forbidden to bear false witness; to make false accusations against a chaste believing woman; to accuse someone who is innocent; to utter lies; to slander and backbite; to call people by offensive nicknames; to spread gossip and malicious slander; to make fun of the Muslims; to boast about one’s status; to shed doubts on a person’s lineage; to utter slander, insults and obscenities; to speak in an indecent or rude manner; or to utter evil in public, except by one who has been wronged.
Islaam forbids telling lies; one of the worst kinds of lie is to lie about dreams, like fabricating dreams and visions in order to prove one’s virtue, or make some material gains, or to frighten an enemy.
Muslims are forbidden to praise themselves, or to talk in a secret way: two may not converse secretly to the exclusion of a third, because this is offensive. It is forbidden to curse a believer or someone who does not deserve to be cursed.
Islaam forbids speaking ill of the dead; praying for death; wishing for death because of some suffering that one is passing through; praying against one’s self, one’s children, one’s servants or one’s wealth.
Muslims are told not to eat the food that is directly in front of others or to eat from the centre of the dish or platter; rather they should eat from what is directly in front of them or thereabouts, because the barakah (blessing) comes in the middle of the food. It is forbidden to drink from a broken edge of a vessel, because this could cause harm; or to drink from the mouth of a vessel; or to breathe into it. It is forbidden to eat while lying on one’s stomach; to sit at a table where wine is being drunk; to leave a fire burning in one’s house when one sleeps; to sleep with Ghamr in one’s hand, like an offensive smell or the remainder of food (grease); to sleep on one’s stomach; or to talk about or try to interpret bad dreams, because these are tricks of the Shaytaan.
It is forbidden to kill another person except in cases where it is right to do so; to kill one’s children for fear of poverty; to commit suicide; to commit fornication, adultery or sodomy (homosexuality); to drink wine, or even to prepare it, carry it from one place to another, or sell it. Muslims are forbidden to please people by angering Allaah; to offend their parents or even to say "Uff" (the slightest word of contempt) to them; to claim that a child belongs to anyone but his real father; to torture by means of fire; to burn anyone, alive or dead, with fire; to mutilate the bodies of the slain; to help anyone commit falsehood; or to cooperate in wrongdoing and sin.
It is forbidden to obey any person by disobeying Allaah; to swear falsely; to swear a disastrous oath; to eavesdrop on people without their permission; to invade people’s privacy or look at their private parts; to claim something that does not belong to one or that one did not do, for the purpose of showing off; to look into someone’s else’s house without permission; to be extravagant; to swear an oath to do something wrong; to spy on others or be suspicious about righteous men and women; to envy, hate or shun one another; to persist in falsehood; to be arrogant or feel superior; to be filled with self-admiration; to be pleased with one’s arrogance. Islam forbids taking back one’s charity, even if one pays to get it back; employing someone to do a job without paying him his wages; being unfair in giving gifts to one’s children; bequeathing everything in one’s will and leaving one’s heirs poor - in such a case the will should not be executed; writing a will that concerns more than one third of one’s legacy; being a bad neighbour; or changing a will to the detriment of one or some of one’s heirs. A Muslim is forbidden to forsake or shun his brother for more than three days, except for a reason sanctioned by sharee’ah; to hold small stones between two fingers and throw them because this could cause injury to eyes or teeth; to include his heirs in a will, because Allaah has already given heirs their rights of inheritance; to disturb his neighbour; to point a weapon at his Muslim brother; to hand someone an unsheathed sword, lest it harm him; to come (walk) between two people except with their permission; to return a gift, unless there is some shar’i objection to it; to be extravagant; to give money to foolish people; to wish to be like someone to whom Allaah has given more of something; to cancel out his charity by giving offensive reminders of his giving; to wilfully conceal testimony; or to oppress orphans or scold one who asks for help or money. It is forbidden to treat with evil medicines, because Allaah would not create a cure for this ummah which includes something that He has forbidden. It is forbidden to kill women and children in warfare; to boast to one another; or to break promises.
Islaam forbids betraying a trust; asking for charity that one does not need; alarming a Muslim brother or taking away his possessions, whether jokingly or seriously; changing one’s mind after giving a gift, except in the case of a gift from a father to his child; practising medicine without experience; or killing ants, bees and hoopoe birds. A man is forbidden to look at the ‘awrah (private parts) of another man, and a woman is forbidden to look at the ‘awrah of another woman. It is forbidden to sit between two people without their permission; or to greet only those whom one knows, because the greeting is to be given to those whom you know and those whom you do not know. A Muslim is forbidden to let an oath come between him and good deeds; he should do what is good and make expiation for the oath. It is forbidden to judge between two disputing parties when one is angry, or to judge in favour of one party without hearing what the other has to say. It is forbidden for a man to walk through the market-place carrying something - like a sharp weapon - that could harm the Muslims, unless it is properly covered. A Muslim is forbidden to make another person get up, so that he can take his place.
There are more commands and prohibitions which came for the benefit and happiness of individuals and mankind as a whole. Have you ever seen any other religion that can compare to this religion?
Read this response again, then ask yourself: is it not a great pity that I am not one of them? Allaah says in the Qur’aan (interpretation of the meaning): "And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers." [Aal ‘Imraan 3:85]
Finally, I hope that everyone who reads this will be guided to the correct way and to follow the truth. May Allaah protect you and us from all evil.
(1) The Muslim worships One God, Who has no partner, and Who has the most beautiful names and the highest attributes. Thus the Muslim’s focus and aim is concentrated, focused on His Lord and Creator; he puts his trust in Him and asks Him for help, patience and support; he believes that Allaah is able to do all things, and has no need of a wife or son. Allaah created the heavens and earth; He is the One Who gives life and death; He is the Creator and Sustainer from Whom the slave seeks provision.
He is the All-Hearing Who responds to the supplication of His slave, and from Whom the slave hopes for a response. He is the All-Merciful and All-Forgiving, to Whom the slave turns in repentance when he has committed a sin or fallen short in his worship of Allaah. He is the Omniscient and All-Seeing, who knows all intentions and what is hidden in people’s hearts. The slave feels ashamed to commit a sin by doing wrong to himself or to others, because his Lord is watching over him and sees all that he does. He knows that Allaah is All-Wise, the Seer of the Unseen, so he trusts that what Allaah decrees for him is good; he knows that Allaah will never be unjust to him, and that everything that Allaah decrees for him is good, even if he does not understand the wisdom behind it.
(2) The effects of Islaamic worship on the soul of the Muslim include the following:
Prayer keeps the slave in contact with his Lord; if he enters it in a spirit of humiliation and concentration, he will feel tranquil and secure, because he is seeking a "powerful support," which is Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted. For this reason, the Prophet of Islaam, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to say: "Let us find relaxation and joy in prayer." If something distressed him, he would hasten to pray. Everyone who finds himself faced with disaster and tries prayer finds strength, patience and consolation, because he is reciting the words of his Lord, which cannot be compared to the effect of the words of a created being. If the words of some psychologists can offer a little comfort, what do you think of the words of the One Who created the psychologist?
Now let us look at zakaat, which is one of the pillars of Islaam. Zakaat purifies the soul from stinginess and miserliness, and accustoms people to being generous and helping the poor and needy. It will bring a great reward on the Day of Resurrection, just like other forms of worship. It is not burdensome, like man-made taxes; it is only 25 in every thousand, which the sincere Muslim pays willingly and does not try to evade or wait until someone chases him for it.
Fasting involves refraining from food and sex. It is a form of worship, and a way in which one can feel the hunger of those who are deprived. It is also a reminder of the blessings of the Creator, and it brings rewards beyond measure.
Hajj is the Pilgrimage to the sacred House of Allaah, which was built by Ibraaheem (Abraham, upon whom be peace). By performing Hajj one is obeying the command of Allaah and the call to come and meet Muslims from all over the world.
(3) Islaam commands all kinds of good and forbids all kinds of evil. It encourages good manners and proper treatment of others. It enjoins good characteristics such as truthfulness, patience, deliberation, kindness, humility, modesty, keeping promises, dignity, mercy, justice, courage, patience, friendliness, contentment, chastity, good treatment, tolerance, trustworthiness, gratitude for favours, and self-control in times of anger. Islaam commands the Muslim to fulfil his duty towards his parents and to uphold family ties, to help the needy, to treat neighbours well, to protect and safeguard the wealth of the orphan, to be gentle with the young and show respect to the old, to be kind to servants and animals, to remove harmful things from the road, to speak kind words, to forgive at the time when one has the opportunity to take revenge, to be sincere towards one’s fellow-Muslims, to meet the needs of the Muslims, to give the debtor time to repay his debt, to prefer others over oneself, to console others, to greet people with a smiling face, to visit the sick, to support the one who is oppressed, to give gifts to friends, to honour his guest, to treat his wife kindly and spend on her and her children, to spread the greeting of peace (salaam) and to seek permission before entering another person’s house, lest one see something private that the other person does not want one to see.
Some non-Muslims may do these things out of politeness or good manners, but they are not seeking reward from Allaah or salvation of the Day of Judgement.
If we look at what Islam has prohibited, we will find that it is in the interests of both the individual and society as a whole. All these prohibitions serve to safeguard the relationship between the slave and his Lord, and the relationship of the individual with himself and with his fellow-man. The following examples demonstrate this:
Islam forbids the association of anything in worship with Allaah and the worship of anything other than Allaah, because this spells doom and misery. Islaam also forbids visiting or believing soothsayers and fortune-tellers; magic or witchcraft that may cause a rift between two people or bring them together; belief in the influence of the stars on events and people’s lives; cursing time, because Allaah is directing its affairs; and superstition, because this is pessimism.
Islam forbids cancelling out good deeds by showing off, boasting or reminding others of one’s favours; bowing or prostrating to anything other than Allaah; sitting with hypocrites or immoral people for the purposes of enjoying their company or keeping them company; and invoking the curse or wrath of Allaah on one another or damning one another to Hell.
Islaam forbids urinating into stagnant water; defecating on the side of the road or in places where people seek shade or where they draw water; from facing the qiblah (direction of prayer) or turning one’s back towards it when passing water or stools; holding one’s penis in one’s right hand when passing water; giving the greeting of salaam (peace) to one who is answering the call of nature; and putting one’s hand into any vessel before washing it, when one has just woken up.
Islaam forbids the offering of any nafl (supererogatory) prayers when the sun is rising, when it is at its zenith, and when it is setting, because it rises and sets between the horns of Shaytaan (Satan); praying when there is food prepared that a person desires; praying when one urgently needs to pass water, stools or wind, because that will distract a person from concentrating properly on his prayer.
Islam forbids the Muslim to raise his voice in prayer, lest it disturb other believers; to continue offering supererogatory prayers at night when one feels drowsy - such a person should sleep then get up; to stay up all night in prayer, especially one night after another; and to stop praying when there is doubt as to the validity of one’s wudoo’ - unless one hears a sound or smells an odour.
Islaam forbids buying, selling and making "lost and found" announcements in the mosque - because it is the place of worship and remembrance of Allaah, where worldly affairs have no place.
Islam forbids haste in walking when the iqaamah (call immediately preceding congregational prayer) is given, and prescribes walking in a calm and dignified manner. It is also forbidden to boast about the cost of building a mosque; to decorate a mosque with red or yellow paint or adornments which will distract the worshippers; to fast day after day without a break; and for a woman to observe a supererogatory fast when her husband is present without his permission.
Islaam forbids building over graves, making them high, sitting on them, walking between them wearing shoes, putting lights over them or writing on them. It is forbidden to disinter the dead or to take graves as places of worship. Islam forbids wailing, tearing one’s clothes or leaving one’s hair unkempt when a person dies. Eulogizing the dead in the manner of the times of Ignorance (Jaahiliyyah) is also forbidden, although there is nothing wrong with informing others that a person has died.
Islaam forbids the consumption of riba (interest); all kinds of selling which involve ignorance (of the product), misleading and cheating; selling blood, wine, pork, idols and everything that Allaah has forbidden - their price, whether bought or sold - is haraam; najash, which is offering a price for something one has no intention of buying, as happens in many auctions; concealing a product’s faults at the time of selling; selling something which one does not own or before it comes into one’s possession; undercutting, outbidding or out bargaining another; selling produce before it is clear that it is in good condition and free of blemish; cheating in weights and measures; and hoarding. A partner who has shares in a plot of land or a date palm tree is forbidden to sell his share without consulting his partners. It is forbidden to consume the wealth of orphans unjustly; to bet or gamble; to take anything by force; to accept or offer bribes; to steal people’s wealth or to consume it unjustly; to take something for the purpose of destroying it; to undermine the value of people’s possessions; to keep lost property which one has found, or to keep quiet about it and not announce it, for it belongs to the one who recognizes it; to cheat in any way; to ask for a loan with no intention of repaying it; to take anything of the wealth of a fellow-Muslim, unless it is given freely, because what is taken because of another person’s shyness is haraam; and to accept a gift because of intercession.
Celibacy and castration are forbidden, as is marrying two sisters, or a woman and her aunt (paternal or maternal), whether he marries the aunt after marrying her niece or vice versa, for fear of breaking the ties of kinship. It is forbidden to make deals in marriage, such as saying "Let me marry your daughter and I will give you my daughter or sister in marriage." Such reciprocal deals are a form of oppression and injustice, and haraam. Islaam forbids mut’ah (temporary marriage), which is a marriage contract for a period of time agreed by the two parties, at the end of which the marriage expires. Islaam forbids intercourse with a menstruating woman, until she has purified herself (by taking a bath after her period ends), and also forbids anal intercourse. A man is forbidden to propose marriage to a woman when another man has already proposed to her, unless the other man withdraws his proposal or gives him permission. It is forbidden to marry a previously-married woman without consulting her, or a virgin without seeking her permission. It is forbidden to wish (a newly married couple) "Bi’l-rafaa’ wa’l-baneen (a joyful life and many sons)," because this is the greeting of the people of Jaahiliyyah, who hated daughters. The divorced woman is forbidden to conceal what Allaah has created in her womb (if she is pregnant). A husband and wife are forbidden to speak (to others) about the intimacies of married life. It is forbidden to turn a woman against her husband or to take divorce lightly. It is forbidden for a woman to ask for another’s divorce, such as asking a man to divorce a woman so that she can marry him. A wife is forbidden to spend her husband’s money without his permission, or to keep away from his bed without good reason, because the angels will curse her if she does that. A man is forbidden to marry his father’s wife, or to have intercourse with a woman who is pregnant from another man. It is forbidden for a man to practise ‘azl (coitus interruptus) with his free wife without her permission. It is forbidden for a man to return home from a journey late at night and startle his family, unless he has previously notified them when he will arrive home. A man is forbidden to take anything of his wife’s mahr (dowry) without her consent, or to keep annoying his wife so that she will give up her wealth.
Islaam forbids women to make a wanton display of themselves (tabarruj). It also forbids extreme forms of female circumcision. Women are forbidden to admit anyone into their husband’s home without his permission; his general permission is acceptable so long as they stay within the limits of sharee’ah. It is forbidden to separate a mother and child (in case of divorce); to let one’s womenfolk behave foolishly (in an immoral fashion) and not say anything; to let one’s gaze wander everywhere; and to follow an accidental glance with an intentional glance.
Islaam forbids the eating of dead meat, regardless of whether it died by drowning, strangulation, shock or falling from a high place; eating blood, pork and anything slaughtered in a name other than that of Allaah or for idols; eating the flesh or drinking the milk of beasts that feed on filth and waste matter; eating the flesh of every carnivorous beast that has fangs and every bird that has talons; eating the meat of domesticated donkeys; killing animals by keeping them and throwing stones at them until they die, or detaining them without food until they die; slaughtering with teeth or nails; slaughtering one animal (for food) in front of another; or sharpening the knife in front of the animal to be slaughtered.
In the area of clothing and adornment, men are forbidden the extravagance of wearing gold. Muslim are forbidden to be naked or to expose their thighs; to leave their clothes long (below the ankles) and trail them on the ground for the purpose of showing off; and to wear clothes that will attract attention.
It is forbidden to bear false witness; to make false accusations against a chaste believing woman; to accuse someone who is innocent; to utter lies; to slander and backbite; to call people by offensive nicknames; to spread gossip and malicious slander; to make fun of the Muslims; to boast about one’s status; to shed doubts on a person’s lineage; to utter slander, insults and obscenities; to speak in an indecent or rude manner; or to utter evil in public, except by one who has been wronged.
Islaam forbids telling lies; one of the worst kinds of lie is to lie about dreams, like fabricating dreams and visions in order to prove one’s virtue, or make some material gains, or to frighten an enemy.
Muslims are forbidden to praise themselves, or to talk in a secret way: two may not converse secretly to the exclusion of a third, because this is offensive. It is forbidden to curse a believer or someone who does not deserve to be cursed.
Islaam forbids speaking ill of the dead; praying for death; wishing for death because of some suffering that one is passing through; praying against one’s self, one’s children, one’s servants or one’s wealth.
Muslims are told not to eat the food that is directly in front of others or to eat from the centre of the dish or platter; rather they should eat from what is directly in front of them or thereabouts, because the barakah (blessing) comes in the middle of the food. It is forbidden to drink from a broken edge of a vessel, because this could cause harm; or to drink from the mouth of a vessel; or to breathe into it. It is forbidden to eat while lying on one’s stomach; to sit at a table where wine is being drunk; to leave a fire burning in one’s house when one sleeps; to sleep with Ghamr in one’s hand, like an offensive smell or the remainder of food (grease); to sleep on one’s stomach; or to talk about or try to interpret bad dreams, because these are tricks of the Shaytaan.
It is forbidden to kill another person except in cases where it is right to do so; to kill one’s children for fear of poverty; to commit suicide; to commit fornication, adultery or sodomy (homosexuality); to drink wine, or even to prepare it, carry it from one place to another, or sell it. Muslims are forbidden to please people by angering Allaah; to offend their parents or even to say "Uff" (the slightest word of contempt) to them; to claim that a child belongs to anyone but his real father; to torture by means of fire; to burn anyone, alive or dead, with fire; to mutilate the bodies of the slain; to help anyone commit falsehood; or to cooperate in wrongdoing and sin.
It is forbidden to obey any person by disobeying Allaah; to swear falsely; to swear a disastrous oath; to eavesdrop on people without their permission; to invade people’s privacy or look at their private parts; to claim something that does not belong to one or that one did not do, for the purpose of showing off; to look into someone’s else’s house without permission; to be extravagant; to swear an oath to do something wrong; to spy on others or be suspicious about righteous men and women; to envy, hate or shun one another; to persist in falsehood; to be arrogant or feel superior; to be filled with self-admiration; to be pleased with one’s arrogance. Islam forbids taking back one’s charity, even if one pays to get it back; employing someone to do a job without paying him his wages; being unfair in giving gifts to one’s children; bequeathing everything in one’s will and leaving one’s heirs poor - in such a case the will should not be executed; writing a will that concerns more than one third of one’s legacy; being a bad neighbour; or changing a will to the detriment of one or some of one’s heirs. A Muslim is forbidden to forsake or shun his brother for more than three days, except for a reason sanctioned by sharee’ah; to hold small stones between two fingers and throw them because this could cause injury to eyes or teeth; to include his heirs in a will, because Allaah has already given heirs their rights of inheritance; to disturb his neighbour; to point a weapon at his Muslim brother; to hand someone an unsheathed sword, lest it harm him; to come (walk) between two people except with their permission; to return a gift, unless there is some shar’i objection to it; to be extravagant; to give money to foolish people; to wish to be like someone to whom Allaah has given more of something; to cancel out his charity by giving offensive reminders of his giving; to wilfully conceal testimony; or to oppress orphans or scold one who asks for help or money. It is forbidden to treat with evil medicines, because Allaah would not create a cure for this ummah which includes something that He has forbidden. It is forbidden to kill women and children in warfare; to boast to one another; or to break promises.
Islaam forbids betraying a trust; asking for charity that one does not need; alarming a Muslim brother or taking away his possessions, whether jokingly or seriously; changing one’s mind after giving a gift, except in the case of a gift from a father to his child; practising medicine without experience; or killing ants, bees and hoopoe birds. A man is forbidden to look at the ‘awrah (private parts) of another man, and a woman is forbidden to look at the ‘awrah of another woman. It is forbidden to sit between two people without their permission; or to greet only those whom one knows, because the greeting is to be given to those whom you know and those whom you do not know. A Muslim is forbidden to let an oath come between him and good deeds; he should do what is good and make expiation for the oath. It is forbidden to judge between two disputing parties when one is angry, or to judge in favour of one party without hearing what the other has to say. It is forbidden for a man to walk through the market-place carrying something - like a sharp weapon - that could harm the Muslims, unless it is properly covered. A Muslim is forbidden to make another person get up, so that he can take his place.
There are more commands and prohibitions which came for the benefit and happiness of individuals and mankind as a whole. Have you ever seen any other religion that can compare to this religion?
Read this response again, then ask yourself: is it not a great pity that I am not one of them? Allaah says in the Qur’aan (interpretation of the meaning): "And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers." [Aal ‘Imraan 3:85]
Finally, I hope that everyone who reads this will be guided to the correct way and to follow the truth. May Allaah protect you and us from all evil.
Monday, 18 April 2011
boikot cara hidup YAHUDI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ada yang memandang sinis usaha memboikot produk yang ada kaitannya dengan Zionis. Kata mereka, bukan musuh yang susah tetapi anak bangsa kita yang “merempat”. Apa tidaknya, memboikot barangan Amerika samalah menutup mata pencarian para pekerja Islam yang bekerja dengan syarikat-syarikat berkenaan? Amerika tidak sakit, kita yang tersepit. Boikot itu bukan caranya, dakwa mereka.
Ada pula suara sinis yang memandang enteng jerit pekik, maki hamun dan teriak semangat dalam demonstrasi- demonstrasi menentang Yahudi. Persis anjing menyalak bukit! Tel Aviv dan Washington tidak bergegar sedikit pun dengan luapan kemarahan jutaan umat Islam di seluruh dunia. Justeru, kaedah demonstrasi juga bukan cara yang tepat, kata sesetengah pihak yang lain.Namun, itulah sahaja tindakan yang dapat difikirkan dan dilaksanakan demi melahirkan kebencian dan kemarahan. Bukan soal berkesan atau tidak, tetapi apa yang mampu kita buat untuk melahirkan simpati dan empati kita terhadap umat Islam Palestin. Pokoknya mesti ada tindakan – “actions speaks louder than words.”Sebenarnya, Yahudi mesti dibenci dan ditentang mengikut cara yang sangat dibenci dan memudaratkan mereka. Apakah cara itu? Firman Allah:
“Sekali-kali Yahudi dan Nasrani itu tidak akan reda selagi kamu tidak mengikut cara hidup mereka.”
Ini rahsia “hati perut” Yahudi yang dibongkar oleh Allah SWT sendiri. Sekiranya umat Islam berjaya mengamalkan cara hidup Islam dan membuang cara hidup Yahudi, itulah sikap yang paling menyakitkan mereka.
Tegasnya, dengan mengamalkan sepenuhnya cara hidup bersyariat, itulah “demonstrasi” yang paling menyakitkan Zionis. Dan usaha “memboikot” cara hidup Yahudi – budaya hedonisme (berseronok-seronok dengan hiburan secara keterlaluan), pendedahan aurat, pergaulan bebas, arak, pengamalan riba, dadah dan lain-lain perkara yang haram, maka itulah kaedah yang paling ditakuti oleh Yahudi.
Boikot cara hidup Yahudi tidaklah sesukar mana. Contohnya, tidak sesukar kita membeli bendera Israel, pemetik api dan kemudian membakarnya tetapi cukup, sekadar tidak membakar… Jangan membakar rokok! Bukankah merokok itu membazir dan memudaratkan? Dan itulah juga industri yang paling banyak menyumbang kepada kekuatan Yahudi?
Marilah kita semarakkan cara hidup Islam, sepenuh dan seluruh. Insya-Allah, secara automatik Yahudi akan tertekan. Jangan hanya lisan sahaja yang membenci tetapi sebaliknya tindakan kita memuji. Justeru, membenci jangan hanya dengan emosi tetapi gunakanlah akal dan hati!
Saturday, 16 April 2011
serangan Jantung
ni sekadar untuk berkongsi maklumat....
A heart attack occurs if the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a section of heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked. If blood flow isn't restored quickly, the section of heart muscle begins to die.
Heart attacks are a leading killer of both men and women in the United States. The good news is that excellent treatments are available for heart attacks. These treatments can save lives and prevent disabilities.
Heart attack treatment works best when it's given right after symptoms occur. If you think you or someone else is having a heart attack, call 9–1–1 right away.
Heart attack symptoms include:
Chest pain or discomfort. This involves uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain in the center or left side of the chest that can be mild or strong. This discomfort or pain often lasts more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back.
Upper body discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or upper part of the stomach.
Shortness of breath, which may occur with or before chest discomfort.
Nausea (feeling sick to your stomach), vomiting, light-headedness or sudden dizziness, or breaking out in a cold sweat.
Symptoms also may include sleep problems, fatigue (tiredness), and lack of energy
Chest Pain or Discomfort
The most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. This includes new chest pain or discomfort or a change in the pattern of existing chest pain or discomfort.
Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center or left side of the chest that often lasts for more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back. The discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain. The feeling can be mild or severe.
Heart attack pain sometimes feels like indigestion or heartburn.
The symptoms of angina (an-JI-nuh or AN-juh-nuh) can be similar to the symptoms of a heart attack. Angina is chest pain that occurs in people who have coronary heart disease, usually when they're active. Angina pain usually lasts for only a few minutes and goes away with rest.
Chest pain or discomfort that doesn't go away or changes from its usual pattern (for example, occurs more often or while you're resting) can be a sign of a heart attack.
All chest pain should be checked by a doctor.
Other Common Signs and Symptoms
Other common signs and symptoms of a heart attack include new onset of:
Upper body discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or upper part of the stomach
Shortness of breath, which may occur with or before chest discomfort
Nausea (feeling sick to your stomach), vomiting, light-headedness or sudden dizziness, or breaking out in a cold sweat
Sleep problems, fatigue (tiredness), or lack of energy.
Diagnostic Tests
EKG (Electrocardiogram),
Blood Tests
Coronary Angiography
eart Healthy Lifestyle
Following a healthy diet is an important part of a heart healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It also includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, and fat-free or low-fat milk or milk products. A healthy diet is low in saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium (salt), and added sugars.
For more information about following a healthy diet, go to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's (NHLBI's) Aim for a Healthy Weight Web site, "Your Guide to a Healthy Heart," and "Your Guide to Lowering Your Blood Pressure With DASH." All of these resources provide general information about healthy eating.
If you're overweight or obese, work with your doctor to create a reasonable weight-loss plan that involves diet and physical activity. Controlling your weight helps you control risk factors for CHD and heart attack.
Be as physically active as you can. Physical activity can improve your fitness level and your health. Talk with your doctor about what types of activity are safe for you.
For more information about physical activity, go to the Diseases and Conditions Index (DCI) Physical Activity and Your Heart article and the NHLBI's "Your Guide to Physical Activity and Your Heart."
If you smoke, quit. Smoking can raise your risk of CHD and heart attack. Talk with your doctor about programs and products that can help you quit. Also, try to avoid secondhand smoke. For more information about quitting smoking.
A heart attack occurs if the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a section of heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked. If blood flow isn't restored quickly, the section of heart muscle begins to die.
Heart attacks are a leading killer of both men and women in the United States. The good news is that excellent treatments are available for heart attacks. These treatments can save lives and prevent disabilities.
Heart attack treatment works best when it's given right after symptoms occur. If you think you or someone else is having a heart attack, call 9–1–1 right away.
Heart attack symptoms include:
Chest pain or discomfort. This involves uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain in the center or left side of the chest that can be mild or strong. This discomfort or pain often lasts more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back.
Upper body discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or upper part of the stomach.
Shortness of breath, which may occur with or before chest discomfort.
Nausea (feeling sick to your stomach), vomiting, light-headedness or sudden dizziness, or breaking out in a cold sweat.
Symptoms also may include sleep problems, fatigue (tiredness), and lack of energy
Chest Pain or Discomfort
The most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. This includes new chest pain or discomfort or a change in the pattern of existing chest pain or discomfort.
Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center or left side of the chest that often lasts for more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back. The discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain. The feeling can be mild or severe.
Heart attack pain sometimes feels like indigestion or heartburn.
The symptoms of angina (an-JI-nuh or AN-juh-nuh) can be similar to the symptoms of a heart attack. Angina is chest pain that occurs in people who have coronary heart disease, usually when they're active. Angina pain usually lasts for only a few minutes and goes away with rest.
Chest pain or discomfort that doesn't go away or changes from its usual pattern (for example, occurs more often or while you're resting) can be a sign of a heart attack.
All chest pain should be checked by a doctor.
Other Common Signs and Symptoms
Other common signs and symptoms of a heart attack include new onset of:
Upper body discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or upper part of the stomach
Shortness of breath, which may occur with or before chest discomfort
Nausea (feeling sick to your stomach), vomiting, light-headedness or sudden dizziness, or breaking out in a cold sweat
Sleep problems, fatigue (tiredness), or lack of energy.
Diagnostic Tests
EKG (Electrocardiogram),
Blood Tests
Coronary Angiography
eart Healthy Lifestyle
Following a healthy diet is an important part of a heart healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It also includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, and fat-free or low-fat milk or milk products. A healthy diet is low in saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium (salt), and added sugars.
For more information about following a healthy diet, go to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's (NHLBI's) Aim for a Healthy Weight Web site, "Your Guide to a Healthy Heart," and "Your Guide to Lowering Your Blood Pressure With DASH." All of these resources provide general information about healthy eating.
If you're overweight or obese, work with your doctor to create a reasonable weight-loss plan that involves diet and physical activity. Controlling your weight helps you control risk factors for CHD and heart attack.
Be as physically active as you can. Physical activity can improve your fitness level and your health. Talk with your doctor about what types of activity are safe for you.
For more information about physical activity, go to the Diseases and Conditions Index (DCI) Physical Activity and Your Heart article and the NHLBI's "Your Guide to Physical Activity and Your Heart."
If you smoke, quit. Smoking can raise your risk of CHD and heart attack. Talk with your doctor about programs and products that can help you quit. Also, try to avoid secondhand smoke. For more information about quitting smoking.
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
siapa itu ALLAH ..Who is Allah
Allah is the proper name of the One True God. Nothing else can be called Allah. This term has no plural or gendfer, which shows its uniqueness when compared with the word ‘god’, that can be made plural, gods; or feminine, goddess. It is a known fact that every language has one or more terms that are used in reference to God and sometimes to lesser deities. This is not the case with Allah.
Some of the biggest misconceptions that many non-Muslims have about Islam have to do with the word "Allah". For various reasons, many people have come to believe that Muslims worship a different God than Christians and Jews. This is totally false, since "Allah" is simply the Arabic word for "God" -- and there is only One God. However, it is certainly true that Jews, Christians and Muslims all have different concepts of Almighty God. For example, Muslims, like Jews, reject the Christian beliefs of Trinity and Divine Incarnation. However, this does not mean that each of these three religions worships a different God , because there is only One True God. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are classified as ‘Monotheistic’, however, Islam teaches that other religions have, in one way or another, distorted and nullified a pure and proper belief in Almighty God by neglecting His true teachings and mixing them with man-made ideas.
The One True God is a reflection of the unique concept that Islam associates with God. To a Muslim, Allah is the Almighty, Creator and Sustainer of the universe, who is similar to nothing and nothing is comparable to Him. The Prophet Muhammad , was asked by his contemporaries about Allah; the answer came directly from Allah Himself in the form of a short chapter of the Quran, which is considered the essence or the motto of monotheism. This is chapter 112 which reads (what means):
“Say: ‘He is Allah, (who is) One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, nor is there to Him any equivalent.’” [Quran 112:1]
Some non-Muslims allege that God in Islam is a stern and cruel God who demands to be obeyed fully. He is not loving and kind. Nothing can be farther from the truth than this allegation. It is enough to know that with the exception of one, each of the 114 chapters of the Quran begins with the verse: "In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate." In one of the sayings of Prophet Muhammad , we are told that: "Allah is more loving and kinder than a mother to her dear child."
However, Allah is also Just. Hence, wrongdoers and sinners must have their share of punishment, and the pious will receive His bounties and favors. People suffering throughout their lives while seeking Allah’s bounty and people oppressing and exploiting other people all their lives should not receive similar treatment from their Lord. Expecting similar treatment for them is contrary to the very belief in the accountability of man in the Hereafter, which removes all the incentives for striving to attain a moral and virtuous life in this world.
Islam rejects characterizing God in any human form or depicting Him as favoring certain individuals or nations on the basis of wealth, power or race. He created human beings as equals. They may distinguish themselves and get His favor only through virtue and piety.
The concepts that God rested in the seventh day of creation, that God wrestled with one of His soldiers, that God is an envious plotter against mankind, or that God is incarnate in any human being are considered blasphemy from the Islamic point of view.
The Creator must have a different nature from the things He created, because if He were of the same nature as them, He would be temporal and would therefore need a maker. Therefore, nothing is like Him. If the Maker is not temporal, then He must be Eternal. The Eternal cannot be bound by limitations. He is the Self-Sufficient because nothing outside Him can cause him to continue to exist, and if nothing outside Him causes Him to continue to exist, this means that He is Self-Sufficient. And if He does not depend on anything for the continuance of His own existence, then His existence can have no end. The Creator is therefore Eternal and Everlasting.
Linguistically, it is interesting to note that the Aramaic word "El", which is the word for God in the language that ‘Eesaa (Jesus) spoke, is certainly more similar in sound to the word "Allah" than the English word "God". This also holds true for the various Hebrew words for God, which is "El" and "Elah", and the plural form "Elohim". The reason for these similarities is that Aramaic, Hebrew and Arabic are all Semitic languages with common origins. It should also be noted that in translating the Bible into English, the Hebrew word "El" is translated variously as "God", "god" and "angel"! This imprecise language allows different translators, based on their preconceived notions, to translate the word to fit their own views. The Arabic word "Allah" presents no such difficulty or ambiguity, since it is only used for Almighty God alone. Additionally, in English, the only difference between "god", meaning a false god, and "God", meaning the One True God, is the capital "G" which is commonly used in written works.
sila baca dan fahamkan ...kdg2 kita ni as manusia lupa..lahir je dalam Islam tetapi life langsung tak de life as Islam...Iman tidak dapat diwarisi melainkan kita usaha sahaja...
Some of the biggest misconceptions that many non-Muslims have about Islam have to do with the word "Allah". For various reasons, many people have come to believe that Muslims worship a different God than Christians and Jews. This is totally false, since "Allah" is simply the Arabic word for "God" -- and there is only One God. However, it is certainly true that Jews, Christians and Muslims all have different concepts of Almighty God. For example, Muslims, like Jews, reject the Christian beliefs of Trinity and Divine Incarnation. However, this does not mean that each of these three religions worships a different God , because there is only One True God. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are classified as ‘Monotheistic’, however, Islam teaches that other religions have, in one way or another, distorted and nullified a pure and proper belief in Almighty God by neglecting His true teachings and mixing them with man-made ideas.
The One True God is a reflection of the unique concept that Islam associates with God. To a Muslim, Allah is the Almighty, Creator and Sustainer of the universe, who is similar to nothing and nothing is comparable to Him. The Prophet Muhammad , was asked by his contemporaries about Allah; the answer came directly from Allah Himself in the form of a short chapter of the Quran, which is considered the essence or the motto of monotheism. This is chapter 112 which reads (what means):
“Say: ‘He is Allah, (who is) One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, nor is there to Him any equivalent.’” [Quran 112:1]
Some non-Muslims allege that God in Islam is a stern and cruel God who demands to be obeyed fully. He is not loving and kind. Nothing can be farther from the truth than this allegation. It is enough to know that with the exception of one, each of the 114 chapters of the Quran begins with the verse: "In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate." In one of the sayings of Prophet Muhammad , we are told that: "Allah is more loving and kinder than a mother to her dear child."
However, Allah is also Just. Hence, wrongdoers and sinners must have their share of punishment, and the pious will receive His bounties and favors. People suffering throughout their lives while seeking Allah’s bounty and people oppressing and exploiting other people all their lives should not receive similar treatment from their Lord. Expecting similar treatment for them is contrary to the very belief in the accountability of man in the Hereafter, which removes all the incentives for striving to attain a moral and virtuous life in this world.
Islam rejects characterizing God in any human form or depicting Him as favoring certain individuals or nations on the basis of wealth, power or race. He created human beings as equals. They may distinguish themselves and get His favor only through virtue and piety.
The concepts that God rested in the seventh day of creation, that God wrestled with one of His soldiers, that God is an envious plotter against mankind, or that God is incarnate in any human being are considered blasphemy from the Islamic point of view.
The Creator must have a different nature from the things He created, because if He were of the same nature as them, He would be temporal and would therefore need a maker. Therefore, nothing is like Him. If the Maker is not temporal, then He must be Eternal. The Eternal cannot be bound by limitations. He is the Self-Sufficient because nothing outside Him can cause him to continue to exist, and if nothing outside Him causes Him to continue to exist, this means that He is Self-Sufficient. And if He does not depend on anything for the continuance of His own existence, then His existence can have no end. The Creator is therefore Eternal and Everlasting.
Linguistically, it is interesting to note that the Aramaic word "El", which is the word for God in the language that ‘Eesaa (Jesus) spoke, is certainly more similar in sound to the word "Allah" than the English word "God". This also holds true for the various Hebrew words for God, which is "El" and "Elah", and the plural form "Elohim". The reason for these similarities is that Aramaic, Hebrew and Arabic are all Semitic languages with common origins. It should also be noted that in translating the Bible into English, the Hebrew word "El" is translated variously as "God", "god" and "angel"! This imprecise language allows different translators, based on their preconceived notions, to translate the word to fit their own views. The Arabic word "Allah" presents no such difficulty or ambiguity, since it is only used for Almighty God alone. Additionally, in English, the only difference between "god", meaning a false god, and "God", meaning the One True God, is the capital "G" which is commonly used in written works.
sila baca dan fahamkan ...kdg2 kita ni as manusia lupa..lahir je dalam Islam tetapi life langsung tak de life as Islam...Iman tidak dapat diwarisi melainkan kita usaha sahaja...
semoga dikuatkan keinginannya untuk membaca kutipan tulisan ini dari sebuah buku.
Tidak ada yang tidak mungkin diubah dalam upaya da’wah ini. Keburukan dan kejahatan yang dilakukan seseorang, sebesar apapun, tak pernah menghalangi orang tersebut berubah dan lebih mendekat kepada Allah swt. Kezaliman dan kefasikan seperti apapun, tidak pernah menjadi alasan bahwa pelakunya pasti tidak akan kembali pada jalan Allah swt. Beginilan salah satu pelajaran penting yang kami petik selama berada di jalan da’wah.
Kami menemukan banyak kenyataan bahwa keruntuhan akhlak dan kerusakan moral yang mendera generasi ini, pasti bisa diubah melalui da’wah islam yang disampaikan dengan baik. Ada begitu banyak putera puteri islam menyimpan mutiara iman dalam hati mereka. Mereka masih memiliki cahaya yang sesungguhnya bisa menyinari hati dan pikiran mereka, sehingga mereka bisa melangkah di jalann Allah swt bersama da’wah ini. Sudut padang yang melihat bahwa kondisi sudah sangat rusak atau seseorang sudah terlalu banyak melakukan kesalahan sehingga sulit untuk dirubah, adalah sudat pandang yang melemahkan dan mematikan semangat berda’wah itu sendiri. Sesungguhnya inilah pesan yang ditegaskan Rasulullan saw : “Barangsiapa yang mengatakan manusia ini telah hancur maka sebenarnya dia telah menghancurkan mereka (atau dia adalah yang paling hancur dari mereka)”
[HR Muslim]
Ada dua riwayat dalam hadist ini :
1. Menyebutkan kalimat fa huwa ahlakahum (maka dia telah manghancurkan mereka)
2. dan fa huwa ahlakum (maka dia adalah orang yang paling hancur dari mereka)
kedua-duanya mencerminkan bahwa sudut pandang negatif bisa mematikan upaya kebaikan yang pasti bisa dilakukan, dan di sisi lain menjadi indikasi kelemahan mental dan psikologis orang yang mengatakannya.
sejarah da’wah isilam yang kami baca, membuktikannya betapa hijrah kepada islam telah dilakukan oleh banyak orang-orang yang sebelumnya melewati masa hidup begitu kelam. Sulit menggambarkan kezaliman yang dilakukan Umar bin Khattab ra, dimasa sebelum ia masuk islam sehingga sejumlah orang ketika itu mengatakan, “Aku tidak percaya Umar masuk islam kecuali jika keledainya masuk islam.” Tapi atas izin Allah swt, Umar mendapatkan cahaya keimanannya justru ketika ia berada dalam situasi kritis saat ia ingin membunuh adiknya dan suami adiknya, karena masuk islam.
Situasi seperti itu pulalah yang menyebabkan Hasan Al Banna rahimahullah menolak untuk melontarkan protes dan kritik keras terhadap pikiran-pikiran Sayyid Quthb rahimahullah yang menyerang rekan-rekan da’wahnya yang mendesak agar ia menulis jawabn atas uraian Sayid Quthb, tapi Hasan al Banna memandang jawaban atas pikiran Sayyid Quthb akan membawa berbagai efek negatif. Perdebatan yang dipublikasi lewat media massa, akan membuat orang yang diajak berdebat semakin keras kepala, itu alasan pertama yang disampaikan Hasan Al Banna. Alasan kedua, “Sesungguhnya Sayyid Quthb masih muda, dan ia masih mungkin mengalami perubahan di masa datang. Aku berharap ia menjadi salah satu pejuan dalam barisan da’wah ini.”
Semua itu karena setiap jiwa manusia memiliki fithrah keimananya sendiri-sendiri. Fithrah keimanan itulah yang seharusnya disingkap melalui sentuhan da’wah hingga ia bersinar dan menerangi hati serta pikiran seseorang, Maka, tugas kami adalah terus berusaha menebar informasi dan seruan islam ke banyak orang dengan terus mengobarkan optimisme dalam diri kami.
Kami harus mewaspadai informasi miring tentang seseorang atau situasi tertentu yang bisa memunculkan lemahnya semangat untuk melakukan banyak kebaikan. Pembicaraan, issu, obrolan yang mengarah pada sisi negatif yang dilakukan sebagian saudara kami juga termasuk ruang prilaku yang harus kami waspadai, Karena ghibah kekurangan saudara kami, dapat mengurangi kepercayaan kepada da’wah yang tengah kami perjuangkan dan dapat melemahkan kekuatan bangunan da’wah yang tengah kami bangun karena berarti kami telah membuka celah bagi ahlul fitnah (antek penyebar fitnah)
Kami berusaha membicarakan yang baik-baik tentang saudara kami. Dan berupaya menimalisir pembicaraan tentang aspek negatif tentang saudara-saudara kami. Sebagaimana ribuan dan ratusan jilid kitab para ulama yang menceritakan kehidupan pada sahabat Rasulullah saw serta salafushalih, yang sangat sedikit menceritakan sisi negatif kehidupan mereka, kecuali dalam konteks memberi ibhrah dan pelajaran berharga. Para salifushalih, sangat jarang membiacarakan kekurangan sahabat dan orang-orang yang mereka kenal. Tentu bukan karena mereka adalah orang -orang suci yang tidak mempunyai catatan negatif, tapi seperti itulah salah satu wujud persaudaraan para salifushalih. Dan karena sikap mereka itulah, yang memompa keyakinan kami serta mendorong semangat da’wah kami.
Tidak ada yang tidak mungkin diubah dalam upaya da’wah ini. Keburukan dan kejahatan yang dilakukan seseorang, sebesar apapun, tak pernah menghalangi orang tersebut berubah dan lebih mendekat kepada Allah swt. Kezaliman dan kefasikan seperti apapun, tidak pernah menjadi alasan bahwa pelakunya pasti tidak akan kembali pada jalan Allah swt. Beginilan salah satu pelajaran penting yang kami petik selama berada di jalan da’wah.
Kami menemukan banyak kenyataan bahwa keruntuhan akhlak dan kerusakan moral yang mendera generasi ini, pasti bisa diubah melalui da’wah islam yang disampaikan dengan baik. Ada begitu banyak putera puteri islam menyimpan mutiara iman dalam hati mereka. Mereka masih memiliki cahaya yang sesungguhnya bisa menyinari hati dan pikiran mereka, sehingga mereka bisa melangkah di jalann Allah swt bersama da’wah ini. Sudut padang yang melihat bahwa kondisi sudah sangat rusak atau seseorang sudah terlalu banyak melakukan kesalahan sehingga sulit untuk dirubah, adalah sudat pandang yang melemahkan dan mematikan semangat berda’wah itu sendiri. Sesungguhnya inilah pesan yang ditegaskan Rasulullan saw : “Barangsiapa yang mengatakan manusia ini telah hancur maka sebenarnya dia telah menghancurkan mereka (atau dia adalah yang paling hancur dari mereka)”
[HR Muslim]
Ada dua riwayat dalam hadist ini :
1. Menyebutkan kalimat fa huwa ahlakahum (maka dia telah manghancurkan mereka)
2. dan fa huwa ahlakum (maka dia adalah orang yang paling hancur dari mereka)
kedua-duanya mencerminkan bahwa sudut pandang negatif bisa mematikan upaya kebaikan yang pasti bisa dilakukan, dan di sisi lain menjadi indikasi kelemahan mental dan psikologis orang yang mengatakannya.
sejarah da’wah isilam yang kami baca, membuktikannya betapa hijrah kepada islam telah dilakukan oleh banyak orang-orang yang sebelumnya melewati masa hidup begitu kelam. Sulit menggambarkan kezaliman yang dilakukan Umar bin Khattab ra, dimasa sebelum ia masuk islam sehingga sejumlah orang ketika itu mengatakan, “Aku tidak percaya Umar masuk islam kecuali jika keledainya masuk islam.” Tapi atas izin Allah swt, Umar mendapatkan cahaya keimanannya justru ketika ia berada dalam situasi kritis saat ia ingin membunuh adiknya dan suami adiknya, karena masuk islam.
Situasi seperti itu pulalah yang menyebabkan Hasan Al Banna rahimahullah menolak untuk melontarkan protes dan kritik keras terhadap pikiran-pikiran Sayyid Quthb rahimahullah yang menyerang rekan-rekan da’wahnya yang mendesak agar ia menulis jawabn atas uraian Sayid Quthb, tapi Hasan al Banna memandang jawaban atas pikiran Sayyid Quthb akan membawa berbagai efek negatif. Perdebatan yang dipublikasi lewat media massa, akan membuat orang yang diajak berdebat semakin keras kepala, itu alasan pertama yang disampaikan Hasan Al Banna. Alasan kedua, “Sesungguhnya Sayyid Quthb masih muda, dan ia masih mungkin mengalami perubahan di masa datang. Aku berharap ia menjadi salah satu pejuan dalam barisan da’wah ini.”
Semua itu karena setiap jiwa manusia memiliki fithrah keimananya sendiri-sendiri. Fithrah keimanan itulah yang seharusnya disingkap melalui sentuhan da’wah hingga ia bersinar dan menerangi hati serta pikiran seseorang, Maka, tugas kami adalah terus berusaha menebar informasi dan seruan islam ke banyak orang dengan terus mengobarkan optimisme dalam diri kami.
Kami harus mewaspadai informasi miring tentang seseorang atau situasi tertentu yang bisa memunculkan lemahnya semangat untuk melakukan banyak kebaikan. Pembicaraan, issu, obrolan yang mengarah pada sisi negatif yang dilakukan sebagian saudara kami juga termasuk ruang prilaku yang harus kami waspadai, Karena ghibah kekurangan saudara kami, dapat mengurangi kepercayaan kepada da’wah yang tengah kami perjuangkan dan dapat melemahkan kekuatan bangunan da’wah yang tengah kami bangun karena berarti kami telah membuka celah bagi ahlul fitnah (antek penyebar fitnah)
Kami berusaha membicarakan yang baik-baik tentang saudara kami. Dan berupaya menimalisir pembicaraan tentang aspek negatif tentang saudara-saudara kami. Sebagaimana ribuan dan ratusan jilid kitab para ulama yang menceritakan kehidupan pada sahabat Rasulullah saw serta salafushalih, yang sangat sedikit menceritakan sisi negatif kehidupan mereka, kecuali dalam konteks memberi ibhrah dan pelajaran berharga. Para salifushalih, sangat jarang membiacarakan kekurangan sahabat dan orang-orang yang mereka kenal. Tentu bukan karena mereka adalah orang -orang suci yang tidak mempunyai catatan negatif, tapi seperti itulah salah satu wujud persaudaraan para salifushalih. Dan karena sikap mereka itulah, yang memompa keyakinan kami serta mendorong semangat da’wah kami.
Monday, 11 April 2011
definisi Ghibah lebih detail....
Mengumpat yang dibolehkan dalam Islam
Salaam alaikum w.b.t.. berikut ini adalah petikan dari kitab Riyadhus Sholihin karangan Imam Nawawi yang menjadi panduan kepada semua umat islam berkenaan dengan mengumpat yang dibenarkan dalam Islam. Sila baca dengan teliti dan fahami baik2. Jazaakumullahu khoirol jazaa’
Ketahuilah bahwasanya mengumpat itu dibolehkan kerana adanya tujuan yang dianggap benar menurut pandangan syara’ Agama Islam, yang tidak akan mungkin dapat sampai kepada tujuan tadi, melainkan dengan cara mengumpat itu. Dalam hal ini adalah enam macam sebab-sebabnya:
Pertama: Dalam mengajukan pengaduan penganiayaan, maka bolehlah seseorang yang merasa dirinya dianiaya apabila mengajukan pengaduan penganiayaan itu kepada sultan, hakim ataupun lain-lainnya dari golongan orang yang mempunyai jabatan atau kekuasaan untuk menolong orang yang dianiaya itu dari orang yang menganiayanya. Orang yang dianiaya tadi bolehlah mengucapkan: “Si Fulan itu menganiaya saya dengan cara demikian.”
Kedua: Dalam meminta pertolongan untuk menghilangkan sesuatu kemungkaran dan mengembalikan orang yang melakukan kemaksiatan kepada jalan yang benar. Orang itu bolehlah mengucapkan kepada orang yang ia harapkan dapat menggunakan kekuasaannya untuk menghilangkan kemungkaran tadi: “Si Fulan itu mengerjakan demikian, maka itu cegahlah ia dari perbuatannya itu,” atau Iain-Iain sebagainya. Maksudnya iaiah untuk dapat sampai guna kelenyapannya kemungkaran tadi. Jadi apabila tidak mempunyai maksud sedemikian, maka pengumpatan itu adalah haram hukumnya.
Ketiga: Dalam meminta fatwa – yakni penerangan keagamaan. Orang yang hendak meminta fatwa itu bolehlah mengucapkan kepada orang yang dapat memberi fatwa yakni mufti: “Saya dianiaya oleh ayahku atau saudaraku atau suamiku atau si Fulan dengan perbuatan demikian, apakah ia berhak berbuat sedemikian itu padaku? Dan bagaimana jalan untuk menyelamatkan diri dari penganiayaannya itu? Bagaimana untuk memperolehi hak ku itu serta bagaimanakah caranya menolak kezalimannya itu?” dan sebagainya.
Pengumpatan semacam ini adalah boleh kerana adanya keperluan. Tetapi yang lebih berhati-hati dan pula lebih utama ialah apabila ia mengucapkan: “Bagaimanakah pendapat anda mengenai seseorang atau manusia atau suami yang berkeadaan sedemikian ini?” Dengan begitu, maka tujuan meminta fatwanya dapat dihasilkan tanpa menentukan atau menyebutkan nama seseorang. Sekalipun demikian, menentukan yakni menyebutkan nama seseorang itu dalam hal ini adalah boleh atau jaiz, sebagaimana yang akan Kami cantumkan dalam Hadisnya Hindun – lihat Hadis no. 1532. Insya Allah Ta’ala.
Keempat: Dalam hal menakut-nakuti kaum Muslimin dari sesuatu keburukan serta menasihati mereka – jangan terjerumus dalam kesesatan kerananya. Yang sedemikian dapat diambil dari beberapa sudut, di antaranya ialah memburukkan kepada para perawi Hadis yang memang buruk ataupun para saksi – dalam sesuatu perkara. Hal ini boleh dilakukan dengan berdasarkan ijma’nya seluruh kaum Muslimin, tetapi bahkan wajib kerana adanya kepentingan. Di antaranya lagi ialah di waktu bermusyawarat untuk mengambil seseorang sebagai menantu, atau hendak berserikat dagang dengannya, atau akan menitipkan sesuatu padanya ataupun hendak bermuamalat dalam perdagangan dan Iain-Iain sebagainya, ataupun hendak mengambil seseorang sebagai tetangga.
Orang yang dimintai musyawarahnya itu wajib tidak menyembunyikan hal keadaan orang yang ditanyakan oleh orang yang meminta pertimbangan tadi, tetapi bolehlah ia menyebutkan beberapa cela yang benar-benar ada dalam dirinya orang yang ditanyakan itu dengan tujuan dan niat menasihati. Di antaranya lagi ialah apabila seseorang melihat seorang ahli agama-pandai dalam selok-belok keagamaan -yang mondar-mandir ke tempat orang yang ahli kebid’ahan atau orang fasik yang mengambil ilmu pengetahuan dari orang ahli agama tadi dan dikhuatirkan kalau-kalau orang ahli agama itu terkena bencana dengan pergaulannya bersama kedua macam orang tersebut di atas. Maka orang yang melihatnya itu bolehlah menasihatinya – yakni orang ahli agama itu – tentang hal-ihwal dari orang yang dihubungi itu, dengan syarat benar-benar berniat untuk menasihati.
Persoalan di atas itu seringkali disalah-gunakan dan orang yang berbicara tersebut – yakni orang yang rupanya hendak menasihati -hanyalah kerana didorong oleh kedengkian. Memang syaitan pandai benar mencampur-baurkan pada orang itu akan sesuatu perkara. la menampakkan pada orang tersebut, seolah-olah apa yang dilakukan itu adalah merupakan nasihat-tetapi sebenarnya adalah karena lain tujuan, misalnya kedengkian, iri hati dan sebagainya. Oleh sebab itu hendaklah seseorang itu pandai-pandai meletakkan sesuatu dalam persoalan ini.
Di antaranya lagi misalnya ada seseorang yang sedang mempunyai sesuatu jabatan yang tidak menetapi ketentuan-ketentuan
1528. Dari Aisyah radhiallahu ‘anha bahwasanya ada sesorang lelaki meminta izin kepada Nabi s.a.w untuk menemuinya, lalu beliau s.a.w bersabda untuk menemuinya, lalu beliau s.a.w bersabda – kepada sahabat-sahabat:”Izinkanlah ia, ia adalah seburuk-buruknya orang dari seluruh keluarganya.” (Muttafaq ‘alaih)
Imam bukhari mengambil keterangan dari Hadis ini akan bolehnya mengumapat pada orang-orang yang suka membuat kerusakan serta ahli bimbang – tidak berpenderian tetap.
1529. Dari Aisyah radhiallahu ‘anha, katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “ Saya tidak menyakinkan kepada si fulan dan si fulan itu bahwa keduanya itu mengetahui sesuatu perihal agama kita”
Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari, ia berkata:
“Allaits bin Sa’ad, salah seorang yang meriwayatkan hadis ini berkata:”Kedua orang lelaki ini termasuk golongan kaum munafik.
1530. Dari Fathimah binti Qais radhiallahu ‘anha, katanya: “Saya mendatangi Nabi s.a.w. lalu saya berkata: “Sesungguhnya Abuljahm dan Mu’awiyah itu sama-sama melamar diriku.” Rasulullah s.a.w. lalu bersabda: “Adapun Mu’awiyah itu adalah seorang fakir yang tiada berharta, sedangkan Abuljahm adalah seorang yang tidak sempat meletakkan tongkat dari bahunya.” (Muttafaq ‘alaih)
Dalam riwayat Imam Muslim disebutkan:
“Adapun Abuljahm, maka ia adalah seorang yang gemar memukul wanita.” Ini adalah sebagai tafsiran dari riwayat yang menyebutkan bahwa ia tidak sempat meletakkan tongkat dari bahunya. Ada pula yang mengartikan lain ialah bahwa “tidak sempat meletakkan tongkat dari bahunya” itu artinya banyak sekali bepergiannya.
1531. Dari Zaid bin Arqam r.a., katanya: “Kita keluar bersama Rasulullah s.a.w. dalam suatu perjalanan yang menyebabkan orang-orang banyak memperoleh kesukaran, lalu Abdullah bin Ubay berkata: “Janganlah engkau semua memberikan apa-apa kepada orang yang ada di dekat Rasulullah, sehingga mereka pergi – yakni berpisah dari sisi beliau s.a.w. itu.” Selanjutnya ia berkata lagi: “Niscayalah kalau kita sudah kembali ke Madinah, sesungguhnya orang yang berkuasa akan mengusir orang yang rendah.”
Saya lalu mendatangi Rasulullah s.a.w. dan memberitahukan hal ucapannya Abdullah bin Ubay di atas. Beliau s.a.w. menyuruh Abdullah bin Ubay datang padanya, tetapi ia bersungguh-sungguh dalam sumpahnya bahwa ia tidak melakukan itu -yakni tidak berkata sebagaimana di atas. Para sahabat lalu berkata: “Zaid berdusta kepada Rasulullah s.a.w.” Dalam jiwaku terasa amat berat sekali karena ucapan mereka itu, sehingga Allah Ta’ala menurunkan ayat, untuk membenarkan apa yang saya katakan tadi, yaitu – yang artinya: “Jikalau orang-orang munafik itu datang padamu.” (al-Munafiqun: 1)
Nabi s.a.w. lalu memanggil mereka untuk dimintakan pengam-punan – yakni supaya orang-orang yang mengatakan bahwa Zaid berdusta itu dimohonkan pengampunan kepada Allah oleh beliau s.a.w., tetapi orang-orang itu memalingkan kepalanya – yakni enggan untuk dimintakan pengampunan.” (Muttafaq ‘alaih)
1532. Dari Aisyah radhiallahu ‘anha, katanya: “Hindun yaitu isterinya Abu Sufyan berkata kepada Nabi s.a.w.: “Sesungguhnya Abu Sufyan itu seorang lelaki yang kikir, ia tidak memberikan nafkah yang dapat mencukupi kebutuhanku serta untuk keperluan anakku, melainkan dengan cara saya mengambil sesuatu daripadanya, sedang ia tidak mengetahuinya. “Beliau s.a.w. lalu bersabda:” Ambil sajalah yang sekiranya dapat mencukupi kebutuhanmu dan untuk kepentingan anakmu dengan baik-baik – yakni jangan berlebih-lebihan.” (Muttafaq ‘alaih)
* Diharap kita semua dapat membezakan mana mengumpat yang boleh dan mana yang tidak boleh kerana yang penting niat dan cara kita mesti kena pada syarah oleh Imam Nawawi itu. Hanya orang yang busuk hati yang suka mengumpat mengikut sesedap rasa tanpa batasan. Tetapi bukan semua pembukaan hal kebenaran dan agar menjadi pengajaran itu mengumpat yang buruk, wallahu a’lam …….
Ada dua perkara yang jika Anda Amalkan, Anda akan mendapatkan kebaikan dunia dan akhirat: Menerima sesuatu yang tidak Anda sukai, jika sesuatu itu disukai Allah. Dan membenci sesuatu yang Anda sukai, jika sesuatu itu dibenci oleh Allah.”
(Abu Hazim)
Salaam alaikum w.b.t.. berikut ini adalah petikan dari kitab Riyadhus Sholihin karangan Imam Nawawi yang menjadi panduan kepada semua umat islam berkenaan dengan mengumpat yang dibenarkan dalam Islam. Sila baca dengan teliti dan fahami baik2. Jazaakumullahu khoirol jazaa’
Ketahuilah bahwasanya mengumpat itu dibolehkan kerana adanya tujuan yang dianggap benar menurut pandangan syara’ Agama Islam, yang tidak akan mungkin dapat sampai kepada tujuan tadi, melainkan dengan cara mengumpat itu. Dalam hal ini adalah enam macam sebab-sebabnya:
Pertama: Dalam mengajukan pengaduan penganiayaan, maka bolehlah seseorang yang merasa dirinya dianiaya apabila mengajukan pengaduan penganiayaan itu kepada sultan, hakim ataupun lain-lainnya dari golongan orang yang mempunyai jabatan atau kekuasaan untuk menolong orang yang dianiaya itu dari orang yang menganiayanya. Orang yang dianiaya tadi bolehlah mengucapkan: “Si Fulan itu menganiaya saya dengan cara demikian.”
Kedua: Dalam meminta pertolongan untuk menghilangkan sesuatu kemungkaran dan mengembalikan orang yang melakukan kemaksiatan kepada jalan yang benar. Orang itu bolehlah mengucapkan kepada orang yang ia harapkan dapat menggunakan kekuasaannya untuk menghilangkan kemungkaran tadi: “Si Fulan itu mengerjakan demikian, maka itu cegahlah ia dari perbuatannya itu,” atau Iain-Iain sebagainya. Maksudnya iaiah untuk dapat sampai guna kelenyapannya kemungkaran tadi. Jadi apabila tidak mempunyai maksud sedemikian, maka pengumpatan itu adalah haram hukumnya.
Ketiga: Dalam meminta fatwa – yakni penerangan keagamaan. Orang yang hendak meminta fatwa itu bolehlah mengucapkan kepada orang yang dapat memberi fatwa yakni mufti: “Saya dianiaya oleh ayahku atau saudaraku atau suamiku atau si Fulan dengan perbuatan demikian, apakah ia berhak berbuat sedemikian itu padaku? Dan bagaimana jalan untuk menyelamatkan diri dari penganiayaannya itu? Bagaimana untuk memperolehi hak ku itu serta bagaimanakah caranya menolak kezalimannya itu?” dan sebagainya.
Pengumpatan semacam ini adalah boleh kerana adanya keperluan. Tetapi yang lebih berhati-hati dan pula lebih utama ialah apabila ia mengucapkan: “Bagaimanakah pendapat anda mengenai seseorang atau manusia atau suami yang berkeadaan sedemikian ini?” Dengan begitu, maka tujuan meminta fatwanya dapat dihasilkan tanpa menentukan atau menyebutkan nama seseorang. Sekalipun demikian, menentukan yakni menyebutkan nama seseorang itu dalam hal ini adalah boleh atau jaiz, sebagaimana yang akan Kami cantumkan dalam Hadisnya Hindun – lihat Hadis no. 1532. Insya Allah Ta’ala.
Keempat: Dalam hal menakut-nakuti kaum Muslimin dari sesuatu keburukan serta menasihati mereka – jangan terjerumus dalam kesesatan kerananya. Yang sedemikian dapat diambil dari beberapa sudut, di antaranya ialah memburukkan kepada para perawi Hadis yang memang buruk ataupun para saksi – dalam sesuatu perkara. Hal ini boleh dilakukan dengan berdasarkan ijma’nya seluruh kaum Muslimin, tetapi bahkan wajib kerana adanya kepentingan. Di antaranya lagi ialah di waktu bermusyawarat untuk mengambil seseorang sebagai menantu, atau hendak berserikat dagang dengannya, atau akan menitipkan sesuatu padanya ataupun hendak bermuamalat dalam perdagangan dan Iain-Iain sebagainya, ataupun hendak mengambil seseorang sebagai tetangga.
Orang yang dimintai musyawarahnya itu wajib tidak menyembunyikan hal keadaan orang yang ditanyakan oleh orang yang meminta pertimbangan tadi, tetapi bolehlah ia menyebutkan beberapa cela yang benar-benar ada dalam dirinya orang yang ditanyakan itu dengan tujuan dan niat menasihati. Di antaranya lagi ialah apabila seseorang melihat seorang ahli agama-pandai dalam selok-belok keagamaan -yang mondar-mandir ke tempat orang yang ahli kebid’ahan atau orang fasik yang mengambil ilmu pengetahuan dari orang ahli agama tadi dan dikhuatirkan kalau-kalau orang ahli agama itu terkena bencana dengan pergaulannya bersama kedua macam orang tersebut di atas. Maka orang yang melihatnya itu bolehlah menasihatinya – yakni orang ahli agama itu – tentang hal-ihwal dari orang yang dihubungi itu, dengan syarat benar-benar berniat untuk menasihati.
Persoalan di atas itu seringkali disalah-gunakan dan orang yang berbicara tersebut – yakni orang yang rupanya hendak menasihati -hanyalah kerana didorong oleh kedengkian. Memang syaitan pandai benar mencampur-baurkan pada orang itu akan sesuatu perkara. la menampakkan pada orang tersebut, seolah-olah apa yang dilakukan itu adalah merupakan nasihat-tetapi sebenarnya adalah karena lain tujuan, misalnya kedengkian, iri hati dan sebagainya. Oleh sebab itu hendaklah seseorang itu pandai-pandai meletakkan sesuatu dalam persoalan ini.
Di antaranya lagi misalnya ada seseorang yang sedang mempunyai sesuatu jabatan yang tidak menetapi ketentuan-ketentuan
1528. Dari Aisyah radhiallahu ‘anha bahwasanya ada sesorang lelaki meminta izin kepada Nabi s.a.w untuk menemuinya, lalu beliau s.a.w bersabda untuk menemuinya, lalu beliau s.a.w bersabda – kepada sahabat-sahabat:”Izinkanlah ia, ia adalah seburuk-buruknya orang dari seluruh keluarganya.” (Muttafaq ‘alaih)
Imam bukhari mengambil keterangan dari Hadis ini akan bolehnya mengumapat pada orang-orang yang suka membuat kerusakan serta ahli bimbang – tidak berpenderian tetap.
1529. Dari Aisyah radhiallahu ‘anha, katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “ Saya tidak menyakinkan kepada si fulan dan si fulan itu bahwa keduanya itu mengetahui sesuatu perihal agama kita”
Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari, ia berkata:
“Allaits bin Sa’ad, salah seorang yang meriwayatkan hadis ini berkata:”Kedua orang lelaki ini termasuk golongan kaum munafik.
1530. Dari Fathimah binti Qais radhiallahu ‘anha, katanya: “Saya mendatangi Nabi s.a.w. lalu saya berkata: “Sesungguhnya Abuljahm dan Mu’awiyah itu sama-sama melamar diriku.” Rasulullah s.a.w. lalu bersabda: “Adapun Mu’awiyah itu adalah seorang fakir yang tiada berharta, sedangkan Abuljahm adalah seorang yang tidak sempat meletakkan tongkat dari bahunya.” (Muttafaq ‘alaih)
Dalam riwayat Imam Muslim disebutkan:
“Adapun Abuljahm, maka ia adalah seorang yang gemar memukul wanita.” Ini adalah sebagai tafsiran dari riwayat yang menyebutkan bahwa ia tidak sempat meletakkan tongkat dari bahunya. Ada pula yang mengartikan lain ialah bahwa “tidak sempat meletakkan tongkat dari bahunya” itu artinya banyak sekali bepergiannya.
1531. Dari Zaid bin Arqam r.a., katanya: “Kita keluar bersama Rasulullah s.a.w. dalam suatu perjalanan yang menyebabkan orang-orang banyak memperoleh kesukaran, lalu Abdullah bin Ubay berkata: “Janganlah engkau semua memberikan apa-apa kepada orang yang ada di dekat Rasulullah, sehingga mereka pergi – yakni berpisah dari sisi beliau s.a.w. itu.” Selanjutnya ia berkata lagi: “Niscayalah kalau kita sudah kembali ke Madinah, sesungguhnya orang yang berkuasa akan mengusir orang yang rendah.”
Saya lalu mendatangi Rasulullah s.a.w. dan memberitahukan hal ucapannya Abdullah bin Ubay di atas. Beliau s.a.w. menyuruh Abdullah bin Ubay datang padanya, tetapi ia bersungguh-sungguh dalam sumpahnya bahwa ia tidak melakukan itu -yakni tidak berkata sebagaimana di atas. Para sahabat lalu berkata: “Zaid berdusta kepada Rasulullah s.a.w.” Dalam jiwaku terasa amat berat sekali karena ucapan mereka itu, sehingga Allah Ta’ala menurunkan ayat, untuk membenarkan apa yang saya katakan tadi, yaitu – yang artinya: “Jikalau orang-orang munafik itu datang padamu.” (al-Munafiqun: 1)
Nabi s.a.w. lalu memanggil mereka untuk dimintakan pengam-punan – yakni supaya orang-orang yang mengatakan bahwa Zaid berdusta itu dimohonkan pengampunan kepada Allah oleh beliau s.a.w., tetapi orang-orang itu memalingkan kepalanya – yakni enggan untuk dimintakan pengampunan.” (Muttafaq ‘alaih)
1532. Dari Aisyah radhiallahu ‘anha, katanya: “Hindun yaitu isterinya Abu Sufyan berkata kepada Nabi s.a.w.: “Sesungguhnya Abu Sufyan itu seorang lelaki yang kikir, ia tidak memberikan nafkah yang dapat mencukupi kebutuhanku serta untuk keperluan anakku, melainkan dengan cara saya mengambil sesuatu daripadanya, sedang ia tidak mengetahuinya. “Beliau s.a.w. lalu bersabda:” Ambil sajalah yang sekiranya dapat mencukupi kebutuhanmu dan untuk kepentingan anakmu dengan baik-baik – yakni jangan berlebih-lebihan.” (Muttafaq ‘alaih)
* Diharap kita semua dapat membezakan mana mengumpat yang boleh dan mana yang tidak boleh kerana yang penting niat dan cara kita mesti kena pada syarah oleh Imam Nawawi itu. Hanya orang yang busuk hati yang suka mengumpat mengikut sesedap rasa tanpa batasan. Tetapi bukan semua pembukaan hal kebenaran dan agar menjadi pengajaran itu mengumpat yang buruk, wallahu a’lam …….
Ada dua perkara yang jika Anda Amalkan, Anda akan mendapatkan kebaikan dunia dan akhirat: Menerima sesuatu yang tidak Anda sukai, jika sesuatu itu disukai Allah. Dan membenci sesuatu yang Anda sukai, jika sesuatu itu dibenci oleh Allah.”
(Abu Hazim)
Saturday, 9 April 2011
sifat sabar manusia, taubat ,REDHA...tajuk plg penting dan mesti dibaca sesiapa yang lahir beragama islam..............
sabar itu iaitu menahan diri daripada keluh kesah pada sesuatu yang tidak disukai.
Sifat sabar perlu ketika menghadapi tiga perkara berikut:
1. Menahan diri daripada keluh kesah dan menahan diri daripada mengadu kepada yang lain daripada Allah subhanahu wata‘ala ketika berlaku sesuatu bala atau bencana.
2. Menahan diri dalam mengerjakan segala perintah Allah.
3. Menahan diri dalam meninggalkan segala larangan Allah.
Sifat sabar itu dipuji pada syara‘ kerana seseorang yang bersifat sabar menunjukkan ia beriman dengan sempurna kepada Allah, dan menunjukkan ia taat dan menjunjung segala perintah agama.
Orang yang beriman kepada Allah mengetahui bahawa segala perkara yang berlaku ke atas drinya adalah kehendak Allah yang tidak dapat dielak lagi. Begitulah juga orang yang taat, tidak akan merasa susah dalam mengerjakan segala perintah Allah dan meninggalkan laranganNya.
Iaitu kembali daripada keburukan kepada kebaikan dengan beberapa syarat yang tertentu.
2. Firman Allah S.W.T. yang bermaksud :
” Dan mohonlah ampun kepada Allah , sesungguhnya ia Maha
Pengampun lagi Maha Mengasihani ”.
( Surah Al – Muzammil - Ayat 20 )
3. Syarat-syarat taubat adalah seperti berikut :
Meninggalkan maksiat atau perkara dosa tersebut.
Menyesal atas maksiat atau dosa yang telah dilakukan.
Bercita-cita tidak akan mengulanginya lagi.
Mengembalikan hak-hak makhluk yang dizalimi.
Mengerjakan perkara-perkara fardhu yang telah luput.
4. Setiap manusia tidak dapat mengelakkan dirinya daripada tersalah dan terlupa, melainkan manusia yang Ma’asum ( terpelihara daripada dosa ) seperti rasul-rasul dan nabi-nabi.
5. Seseorang itu hendaklah bersungguh-sungguh memelihara diri daripada dosa iaitu dengan memelihara seluruh anggota daripada melakukan perkara-perkara yang ditegah oleh agama.
6. Beberapa faedah dan hikmah taubat iaitu:
Menghidupkan jiwa yang resah kerana dosa.
Mendekatkan diri kepada Allah S.W.T .
Meningkatkan ketaqwaan diri.
Membenteras tipu-daya syaitan yang selama ini memerangkap manusia
dengan berbuat dosa dan maksiat.
Memperolehi kemuliaan dan anugerah Allah S.W.T. dalam hidup di dunia
dan akhirat.
1) Sifat redha adalah daripada sifat makrifah dan mahabbah kepada Allah s.w.t.
2) Pengertian redha ialah menerima dengan rasa senang dengan apa yang diberikan oleh Allah s.w.t. baik berupa peraturan ( hukum ) mahupun qada' atau sesuatu ketentuan daripada Allah s.w.t.
3) Redha terhadap Allah s.w.t terbahagi kepada dua :
Redha menerima peraturan ( hukum ) Allah s.w.t. yang dibebankan kepada manusia.
Redha menerima ketentuan Allah s.w.t. tentang nasib yang mengenai diri.
Redha Menerima hukum Allah s.w.t. :
Redha menerima hukum-hukum Allah s.w.t. adalah merupakan manifestasi daripada kesempurnaan iman, kemuliaan taqwa dan kepatuhan kepada Allah s.w.t. kerana menerima peraturan-peraturan itu dengan segala senang hati dan tidak merasa terpaksa atau dipaksa.
Merasa tunduk dan patuh dengan segala kelapangan dada bahkan dengan gembira dan senang menerima syariat yang digariskan oleh Allah s.w.t. dan Rasulnya adalah memancar dari mahabbah kerana cinta kepada Allah s.w.t. dan inilah tanda keimanan yang murni serta tulus ikhlas kepadaNya.
Firman Allah s.w.t. yang bermaksud :
" Tetapi tidak ! Demi Tuhanmu, mereka tidak dipandang beriman hingga mereka menjadikanmu ( Muhammad ) hakim dalam apa yang mereka perselisihkan di antara mereka, kemudian mereka tidak merasa sempit dalam hati mereka tentang apa yang engkau putuskan serta mereka menyerah dengan bersungguh - sungguh ". ( Surah An-Nisaa' : Ayat 65 )
Dan firman Allah s.w.t yang bermaksud :
" Dan alangkah baiknya jika mereka redha dengan apa yang Allah dan Rasulnya berikan kepada mereka sambil mereka berkata : ' Cukuplah Allah bagi kami , Ia dan Rasulnya akan berikan pada kami kurnianya ,Sesungguhnya pada Allah kami menuju ".
( Surah At Taubah : Ayat 59 )
Pada dasarnya segala perintah-perintah Allah s.w.t. baik yang wajib mahupun yang Sunnah ,hendaklah dikerjakan dengan senang hati dan redha. Demikian juga dengan larangan-larangan Allah s.w.t. hendaklah dijauhi dengan lapang dada .
Itulah sifat redha dengan hukum-hukum Allah s.w.t. Redha itu bertentangan dengan sifat dan sikap orang-orang munafik atau kafir yang benci dan sempit dadanya menerima hukum-hukum Allah s.w.t.
Firman Allah s.w.t. yang bermaksud :
" Yang demikian itu kerana sesungguhnya mereka ( yang munafik ) berkata kepada orang-orang yang di benci terhadap apa-apa yang diturunkan oleh Allah s.w.t. 'Kami akan tuntut kamu dalam sebahagian urusan kamu ',Tetapi Allah mengetahui rahsia mereka ". ( Surah Muhammad : Ayat 26 )
Andaikata mereka ikut beribadah, bersedekah atau mengerjakan sembahyang maka ibadah itu mereka melakukannya dengan tidak redha dan bersifat pura-pura. Demikianlah gambaran perbandingan antara hati yang penuh redha dan yang tidak redha menerima hukum Allah s.w.t. , yang mana hati yang redha itu adalah buah daripada kemurnian iman dan yang tidak redha itu adalah gejala nifaq.
Redha Dengan Qada' :
Redha dengan qada' iaitu merasa menerima ketentuan nasib yang telah ditentukan Allah s.w.t baik berupa nikmat mahupun berupa musibah ( malapetaka ). Didalam hadis diungkapkan bahawa di antara orang yang pertama memasuki syurga ialah mereka yang suka memuji Allah s.w.t. . iaitu mereka memuji Allah ( bertahmid ) baik dalam keadaan yang susah mahupun di dalam keadaan senang.
Diberitakan Rasulullah s.a.w. apabila memperolehi kegembiraan Baginda berkata :
" Segala puji bagi Allah yang dengan nikmatnya menjadi sempurnalah kebaikan ".
Dan apabila kedatangan perkara yang tidak menyenangkan , Baginda mengucapkan :
" Segala puji bagi Allah atas segala perkara ".
Perintah redha menerima ketentuan nasib daripada Allah s.w.t. dijelaskan didalam hadis Baginda yang lain yang bermaksud :
" Dan jika sesuatu kesusahan mengenaimu janganlah engkau berkata : jika aku telah berbuat begini dan begitu, begini dan begitulah jadinya. Melainkan hendakalah kamu katakan : Allah telah mentaqdirkan dan apa yang ia suka , ia perbuat ! " Kerana sesungguhnya perkataan : andaikata... itu memberi peluang pada syaitan " . (Riwayat Muslim)
Sikap redha dengan mengucapkan puji dan syukur kepada Allah s.w.t. Ketika mendapat kesenangan atau sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan bersandar kepada dua pengertian :
Pertama : Bertitik tolak dari pengertian bahawa sesungguhnya Allah s.w.t. memastikan terjadinya hal itu sebagai yang layak bagi Dirinya kerana bagi Dialah sebaik-baik Pencipta. Dialah Yang Maha Bijaksana atas segala sesuatu.
Kedua : Bersandar kepada pengertian bahawa ketentuan dan pilihan Allah s.w.t. itulah yang paling baik , dibandingkan dengan pilihan dan kehendak peribadi yang berkaitan dengan diri sendiri.
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. yang bermaksud :
" Demi Allah yang jiwaku ditangannya !Tidaklah Allah memutuskan sesuatu ketentuan bagi seorang mukmin melainkan mengandungi kebaikan baginya. Dan tiadalah kebaikan itu kecuali bagi mukmin . Jika ia memperolehi kegembiraan dia berterima kasih bererti kebaikan baginya , dan jika ia ditimpa kesulitan dia bersabar bererti kebaikan baginya ".
( Riwayat Muslim )
renung2 kan dan tambah2kan lah ilmu agama disamping mencari ilmu didunia itu plg penting....nak berubah sgt susah jadi kita perlu mengubah dari awal baru lah terbentuk kita manusia yang bermaruah dan dicontohi kepada turun temurun...harta dan kekayaan takkan kekal....klu sifat manusia susah utk berubah ngan pelbagai alasan2 releven untuk berubah dan bertaubat kepada Allah....adalah angan2 kosong sahaja....kita lakukan semua itu tanpa sebarang alasan....klu hidup kaya raya sekalipun , berharta sekalipun pasti hidup kamu takkan tenang kerana dlm hati kamu sgt susah untk menerima teguran dari muslim yang lain..jadikan teguran as ingatan kita....sampai bila kita nak menunggu kita berubah ????jgn kita hidup kaya tapi miskin jiwa hati dan rohani tentang islam.....
Sifat sabar perlu ketika menghadapi tiga perkara berikut:
1. Menahan diri daripada keluh kesah dan menahan diri daripada mengadu kepada yang lain daripada Allah subhanahu wata‘ala ketika berlaku sesuatu bala atau bencana.
2. Menahan diri dalam mengerjakan segala perintah Allah.
3. Menahan diri dalam meninggalkan segala larangan Allah.
Sifat sabar itu dipuji pada syara‘ kerana seseorang yang bersifat sabar menunjukkan ia beriman dengan sempurna kepada Allah, dan menunjukkan ia taat dan menjunjung segala perintah agama.
Orang yang beriman kepada Allah mengetahui bahawa segala perkara yang berlaku ke atas drinya adalah kehendak Allah yang tidak dapat dielak lagi. Begitulah juga orang yang taat, tidak akan merasa susah dalam mengerjakan segala perintah Allah dan meninggalkan laranganNya.
Iaitu kembali daripada keburukan kepada kebaikan dengan beberapa syarat yang tertentu.
2. Firman Allah S.W.T. yang bermaksud :
” Dan mohonlah ampun kepada Allah , sesungguhnya ia Maha
Pengampun lagi Maha Mengasihani ”.
( Surah Al – Muzammil - Ayat 20 )
3. Syarat-syarat taubat adalah seperti berikut :
Meninggalkan maksiat atau perkara dosa tersebut.
Menyesal atas maksiat atau dosa yang telah dilakukan.
Bercita-cita tidak akan mengulanginya lagi.
Mengembalikan hak-hak makhluk yang dizalimi.
Mengerjakan perkara-perkara fardhu yang telah luput.
4. Setiap manusia tidak dapat mengelakkan dirinya daripada tersalah dan terlupa, melainkan manusia yang Ma’asum ( terpelihara daripada dosa ) seperti rasul-rasul dan nabi-nabi.
5. Seseorang itu hendaklah bersungguh-sungguh memelihara diri daripada dosa iaitu dengan memelihara seluruh anggota daripada melakukan perkara-perkara yang ditegah oleh agama.
6. Beberapa faedah dan hikmah taubat iaitu:
Menghidupkan jiwa yang resah kerana dosa.
Mendekatkan diri kepada Allah S.W.T .
Meningkatkan ketaqwaan diri.
Membenteras tipu-daya syaitan yang selama ini memerangkap manusia
dengan berbuat dosa dan maksiat.
Memperolehi kemuliaan dan anugerah Allah S.W.T. dalam hidup di dunia
dan akhirat.
1) Sifat redha adalah daripada sifat makrifah dan mahabbah kepada Allah s.w.t.
2) Pengertian redha ialah menerima dengan rasa senang dengan apa yang diberikan oleh Allah s.w.t. baik berupa peraturan ( hukum ) mahupun qada' atau sesuatu ketentuan daripada Allah s.w.t.
3) Redha terhadap Allah s.w.t terbahagi kepada dua :
Redha menerima peraturan ( hukum ) Allah s.w.t. yang dibebankan kepada manusia.
Redha menerima ketentuan Allah s.w.t. tentang nasib yang mengenai diri.
Redha Menerima hukum Allah s.w.t. :
Redha menerima hukum-hukum Allah s.w.t. adalah merupakan manifestasi daripada kesempurnaan iman, kemuliaan taqwa dan kepatuhan kepada Allah s.w.t. kerana menerima peraturan-peraturan itu dengan segala senang hati dan tidak merasa terpaksa atau dipaksa.
Merasa tunduk dan patuh dengan segala kelapangan dada bahkan dengan gembira dan senang menerima syariat yang digariskan oleh Allah s.w.t. dan Rasulnya adalah memancar dari mahabbah kerana cinta kepada Allah s.w.t. dan inilah tanda keimanan yang murni serta tulus ikhlas kepadaNya.
Firman Allah s.w.t. yang bermaksud :
" Tetapi tidak ! Demi Tuhanmu, mereka tidak dipandang beriman hingga mereka menjadikanmu ( Muhammad ) hakim dalam apa yang mereka perselisihkan di antara mereka, kemudian mereka tidak merasa sempit dalam hati mereka tentang apa yang engkau putuskan serta mereka menyerah dengan bersungguh - sungguh ". ( Surah An-Nisaa' : Ayat 65 )
Dan firman Allah s.w.t yang bermaksud :
" Dan alangkah baiknya jika mereka redha dengan apa yang Allah dan Rasulnya berikan kepada mereka sambil mereka berkata : ' Cukuplah Allah bagi kami , Ia dan Rasulnya akan berikan pada kami kurnianya ,Sesungguhnya pada Allah kami menuju ".
( Surah At Taubah : Ayat 59 )
Pada dasarnya segala perintah-perintah Allah s.w.t. baik yang wajib mahupun yang Sunnah ,hendaklah dikerjakan dengan senang hati dan redha. Demikian juga dengan larangan-larangan Allah s.w.t. hendaklah dijauhi dengan lapang dada .
Itulah sifat redha dengan hukum-hukum Allah s.w.t. Redha itu bertentangan dengan sifat dan sikap orang-orang munafik atau kafir yang benci dan sempit dadanya menerima hukum-hukum Allah s.w.t.
Firman Allah s.w.t. yang bermaksud :
" Yang demikian itu kerana sesungguhnya mereka ( yang munafik ) berkata kepada orang-orang yang di benci terhadap apa-apa yang diturunkan oleh Allah s.w.t. 'Kami akan tuntut kamu dalam sebahagian urusan kamu ',Tetapi Allah mengetahui rahsia mereka ". ( Surah Muhammad : Ayat 26 )
Andaikata mereka ikut beribadah, bersedekah atau mengerjakan sembahyang maka ibadah itu mereka melakukannya dengan tidak redha dan bersifat pura-pura. Demikianlah gambaran perbandingan antara hati yang penuh redha dan yang tidak redha menerima hukum Allah s.w.t. , yang mana hati yang redha itu adalah buah daripada kemurnian iman dan yang tidak redha itu adalah gejala nifaq.
Redha Dengan Qada' :
Redha dengan qada' iaitu merasa menerima ketentuan nasib yang telah ditentukan Allah s.w.t baik berupa nikmat mahupun berupa musibah ( malapetaka ). Didalam hadis diungkapkan bahawa di antara orang yang pertama memasuki syurga ialah mereka yang suka memuji Allah s.w.t. . iaitu mereka memuji Allah ( bertahmid ) baik dalam keadaan yang susah mahupun di dalam keadaan senang.
Diberitakan Rasulullah s.a.w. apabila memperolehi kegembiraan Baginda berkata :
" Segala puji bagi Allah yang dengan nikmatnya menjadi sempurnalah kebaikan ".
Dan apabila kedatangan perkara yang tidak menyenangkan , Baginda mengucapkan :
" Segala puji bagi Allah atas segala perkara ".
Perintah redha menerima ketentuan nasib daripada Allah s.w.t. dijelaskan didalam hadis Baginda yang lain yang bermaksud :
" Dan jika sesuatu kesusahan mengenaimu janganlah engkau berkata : jika aku telah berbuat begini dan begitu, begini dan begitulah jadinya. Melainkan hendakalah kamu katakan : Allah telah mentaqdirkan dan apa yang ia suka , ia perbuat ! " Kerana sesungguhnya perkataan : andaikata... itu memberi peluang pada syaitan " . (Riwayat Muslim)
Sikap redha dengan mengucapkan puji dan syukur kepada Allah s.w.t. Ketika mendapat kesenangan atau sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan bersandar kepada dua pengertian :
Pertama : Bertitik tolak dari pengertian bahawa sesungguhnya Allah s.w.t. memastikan terjadinya hal itu sebagai yang layak bagi Dirinya kerana bagi Dialah sebaik-baik Pencipta. Dialah Yang Maha Bijaksana atas segala sesuatu.
Kedua : Bersandar kepada pengertian bahawa ketentuan dan pilihan Allah s.w.t. itulah yang paling baik , dibandingkan dengan pilihan dan kehendak peribadi yang berkaitan dengan diri sendiri.
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. yang bermaksud :
" Demi Allah yang jiwaku ditangannya !Tidaklah Allah memutuskan sesuatu ketentuan bagi seorang mukmin melainkan mengandungi kebaikan baginya. Dan tiadalah kebaikan itu kecuali bagi mukmin . Jika ia memperolehi kegembiraan dia berterima kasih bererti kebaikan baginya , dan jika ia ditimpa kesulitan dia bersabar bererti kebaikan baginya ".
( Riwayat Muslim )
renung2 kan dan tambah2kan lah ilmu agama disamping mencari ilmu didunia itu plg penting....nak berubah sgt susah jadi kita perlu mengubah dari awal baru lah terbentuk kita manusia yang bermaruah dan dicontohi kepada turun temurun...harta dan kekayaan takkan kekal....klu sifat manusia susah utk berubah ngan pelbagai alasan2 releven untuk berubah dan bertaubat kepada Allah....adalah angan2 kosong sahaja....kita lakukan semua itu tanpa sebarang alasan....klu hidup kaya raya sekalipun , berharta sekalipun pasti hidup kamu takkan tenang kerana dlm hati kamu sgt susah untk menerima teguran dari muslim yang lain..jadikan teguran as ingatan kita....sampai bila kita nak menunggu kita berubah ????jgn kita hidup kaya tapi miskin jiwa hati dan rohani tentang islam.....
SEMALAM PADA 8 APRIL KUL 9.15 PM di Morsjaya @ sebelah Merdeka Mall. AKU MENGHADIRI CERAMAH DARI PAKATAN RAKYAT Yang Dipertua PAS kawasan, Haji Jofri Jaraiee , Dr Teo pencalon PKR SENADIN MIRI,Ketua Umum Keadilan yang juga Ketua Pembangkang Parlimen Malaysia, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Setiausaha Agung DAP yang juga Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Setiausaha Agung Keadilan yang juga Ahli Parlimen Machang dan Adun Titi Serong merangkap Ketua Penerangan PAS Perak, Drs Khalil Idham Lim Abdullah.etiausaha DAP, Lim Guan Eng, Setiausaha Agung Keadilan, Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, Ketua Penerangan PAS Perak, Drs Khalil Idham Lim Abdullah dan YDP PAS Kawasan Miri, Haji Jofri Jaraaie.
Calon Pakatan, Dr Teo Yu Kheng, Naib Presiden Keadilan, Tian Chua, Ketua Pemuda, Shamsul Iskandar Akin dan Ketua Pemuda DAP, Anthony Loke turut hadir.
antara gambar yang aku ambik....depan YB tu>>>semoga Allah melindungi pemimpin yang menuntut kebenaran dan membela nasb rakyat..amin...
...............nilah nat
nilah antara pic2 yang aku sempat ambik....wartawan2 dah penuh kat depan ...ramai giler yang sokong YB Datuk Seri Anwar..aku tengok muka dia ok jer...nampak alim lagi....tgk bdn ....ok je..maksud aku...org2 umno n bn tuduh dia dlm video yang hot kat TV3, TV1, apa2lah sama waktu dgnya termasuk paper 2 diorang SEMUA TU!!!!!!! tu....semua tak betul..kerja org2 bn atau umno nak sumbat balik Anwar ke penjara., nak dkt pilihanraya umum sarawak time ni lah org2 umno dan BN nak CUCUK RAKYAT.....sedrlah wahai RAKYAT2ku!!!!!..jahat punya Kerajaan BN...cukuplah Anwar terseksa dlm penjara dulu angkara FITNAH SEMATA2 kat DATUK SERI ANWAR....setakat tgk berita TV3 terus percaya..itu tak bijak....baik atau buruk kita mesti nilai dahulu....jgn jadi mcm asyik ikut bontot org je...salah pun nak ikut .....betulke ????aku bkn fanatik psl politik ..tetapi kdg2 kita perlu ambik tahu untk ekonomi pd ms akan dtg....sbb tu PIhak pakatan rakyat berjuang habisan untk membela daripada dizalimi..sepertimana berlaku pada YB DATUK SERI ANWAR........
bukti skrg....rakyat makin susah, semua brg2 atau perkhidmatan semua berbayar....mahal pulak. tu..klu kat SArawak ni jgn ckp memang MAHAL2 belaka dibandingkan di semenanjung !!!....
Calon Pakatan, Dr Teo Yu Kheng, Naib Presiden Keadilan, Tian Chua, Ketua Pemuda, Shamsul Iskandar Akin dan Ketua Pemuda DAP, Anthony Loke turut hadir.
antara gambar yang aku ambik....depan YB tu>>>semoga Allah melindungi pemimpin yang menuntut kebenaran dan membela nasb rakyat..amin...
...............nilah nat
nilah antara pic2 yang aku sempat ambik....wartawan2 dah penuh kat depan ...ramai giler yang sokong YB Datuk Seri Anwar..aku tengok muka dia ok jer...nampak alim lagi....tgk bdn ....ok je..maksud aku...org2 umno n bn tuduh dia dlm video yang hot kat TV3, TV1, apa2lah sama waktu dgnya termasuk paper 2 diorang SEMUA TU!!!!!!! tu....semua tak betul..kerja org2 bn atau umno nak sumbat balik Anwar ke penjara., nak dkt pilihanraya umum sarawak time ni lah org2 umno dan BN nak CUCUK RAKYAT.....sedrlah wahai RAKYAT2ku!!!!!..jahat punya Kerajaan BN...cukuplah Anwar terseksa dlm penjara dulu angkara FITNAH SEMATA2 kat DATUK SERI ANWAR....setakat tgk berita TV3 terus percaya..itu tak bijak....baik atau buruk kita mesti nilai dahulu....jgn jadi mcm asyik ikut bontot org je...salah pun nak ikut .....betulke ????aku bkn fanatik psl politik ..tetapi kdg2 kita perlu ambik tahu untk ekonomi pd ms akan dtg....sbb tu PIhak pakatan rakyat berjuang habisan untk membela daripada dizalimi..sepertimana berlaku pada YB DATUK SERI ANWAR........
bukti skrg....rakyat makin susah, semua brg2 atau perkhidmatan semua berbayar....mahal pulak. tu..klu kat SArawak ni jgn ckp memang MAHAL2 belaka dibandingkan di semenanjung !!!....
Thursday, 7 April 2011
bercuti sepanjang thn lepas...........
ni lah gambar gambar semasa aku bercuti2 dimalaysia tak banyak pun tapi okaylah....ngah boring ni...
gambar atas ni kat dalam flight... sebelum saya dan suami saya flight berlepas ke teregganu .penatlah juga...tapi okaylah....
gambar bersantai ni ms pergi Pulau kapas Marang Terengganu...airnya biru je, bersih bebas tercemar....saya suka sangat...nilah tmpt plg best yang pernah saya pergi...jom kita pergi lagi nak ????
gambar atas ni semasa saya pergi melihat adik suami saya kOnvo kat Degree UMS ...ce....padahal adik dia yang konvo.....suami aku lak...saje je bergambar..padahal dia pun dah konvo kat UM kat KL dulu...ha2.... aku pun dah konvo cuma saje2 nak bergambar.hu3
gambar kat atas ni semasa adik suami aku nak naik konvokesyen.....antara dewan konvokesyen plg besar di antara Universiti2 Malaysia ni....UMS paling Besar n ada Okestra gitu....aku tgk dari A sampai Z acara Konvokesyen tersebut dari Degree ke PHD. Master pun ramai juga ....dlm gambar atas ni saya, adik dia , emak ayah suami saya..he2...
Gambar atas ni semasa bergambar di Kundasang Memorial War Kota Kinabalu Sabah seronok rasanya...
gambar atas ni semasa saya di World Higest via Ferrata Sky Walking On Mount tempat ni...sejuk je....nampak kabus terang2 dkt dengan awan2 ....
gambar ni ms aku otw ke KLIA masa ni saya naik KLIA TRANSIT ..senang sikit dkt ngan bangi .bosan ..suami jauh ....sorang2 lah....
gambar atas ni kat A farmosa Melaka...sebelum ni dah 3 kali gi pergi dah masuk 5 kali hak2..tapi best tempatnya....enjoy rasanya...
cantikkan tempat ni kan ???
gambar ni pulak masa bercuti cuti..masa ni husband i cuti lagi....saya dan husbnd gi Genting Highland ...kita org cari penginapan kat AWANA ...good.....selesa.....
gambat kat atas ni kat Grang Old Lady Miri dan Muzium Petroleum Miri.
gambar atas ni saya kat Lambir Forest tempat pelancong2 suka mendaki hutan....jauh2..tapi best...hutan bukan jenis tanah rata...tinggi menjunam ...nak naik kena kuatkan smgat.....
ini yang saya dapat kongsikan kepada anda semua tentang perjalanan cuti2 saya....
selamat terhibur..
gambar atas ni kat dalam flight... sebelum saya dan suami saya flight berlepas ke teregganu .penatlah juga...tapi okaylah....
gambar bersantai ni ms pergi Pulau kapas Marang Terengganu...airnya biru je, bersih bebas tercemar....saya suka sangat...nilah tmpt plg best yang pernah saya pergi...jom kita pergi lagi nak ????
gambar atas ni semasa saya pergi melihat adik suami saya kOnvo kat Degree UMS ...ce....padahal adik dia yang konvo.....suami aku lak...saje je bergambar..padahal dia pun dah konvo kat UM kat KL dulu...ha2.... aku pun dah konvo cuma saje2 nak bergambar.hu3
gambar kat atas ni semasa adik suami aku nak naik konvokesyen.....antara dewan konvokesyen plg besar di antara Universiti2 Malaysia ni....UMS paling Besar n ada Okestra gitu....aku tgk dari A sampai Z acara Konvokesyen tersebut dari Degree ke PHD. Master pun ramai juga ....dlm gambar atas ni saya, adik dia , emak ayah suami saya..he2...
Gambar atas ni semasa bergambar di Kundasang Memorial War Kota Kinabalu Sabah seronok rasanya...
gambar atas ni semasa saya di World Higest via Ferrata Sky Walking On Mount tempat ni...sejuk je....nampak kabus terang2 dkt dengan awan2 ....
gambar ni ms aku otw ke KLIA masa ni saya naik KLIA TRANSIT ..senang sikit dkt ngan bangi .bosan ..suami jauh ....sorang2 lah....
gambar atas ni kat A farmosa Melaka...sebelum ni dah 3 kali gi pergi dah masuk 5 kali hak2..tapi best tempatnya....enjoy rasanya...
cantikkan tempat ni kan ???
gambar ni pulak masa bercuti cuti..masa ni husband i cuti lagi....saya dan husbnd gi Genting Highland ...kita org cari penginapan kat AWANA ...good.....selesa.....
gambat kat atas ni kat Grang Old Lady Miri dan Muzium Petroleum Miri.
gambar atas ni saya kat Lambir Forest tempat pelancong2 suka mendaki hutan....jauh2..tapi best...hutan bukan jenis tanah rata...tinggi menjunam ...nak naik kena kuatkan smgat.....
ini yang saya dapat kongsikan kepada anda semua tentang perjalanan cuti2 saya....
selamat terhibur..
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
kenapa dunia perlukan Islam pada Masa kini??????
These are some of the distinct features of Islam, which make it necessary for modern man to seek his salvation through this ideology:
First, it must be well understood that Islam is not a mere ideological vision. It is a practical system of life that fully appreciates all the genuine needs of humankind and tries to realize them.
Second, in trying to meet the genuine requirements of man, Islam effects perfect balance between all areas of life and activity. It starts with the individual maintaining a balance between the requirements of body and soul, reason and spirit and in no case allows one side to dominate the other.
It does not suppress the human instincts in order to make the soul ascend the higher planes, nor does it allow man, in his efforts to fulfill his bodily desires, to stoop down to the low level of animalism and hedonism. On the contrary, it makes them both meet on a single higher plane, doing away with all the internal psychological conflicts that threaten the human soul or set a part of it against the other parts.
In the social sphere, it proceeds to achieve equilibrium between the needs of the individual and those of the community. It does not allow an individual to transgress against other individuals, or against the community. Nor does it allow the community to commit transgression against individuals. It also does not approve of one class or group of people to enslave another class or group of people. Islam exercises a beneficent constraint on all these mutually opposed forces, prevents them from coming into collision with one another, and harnesses them all to co-operate for the general good of humankind as a whole.
Thus, Islam strikes a balance between different sectors of society and between different aspects of existence, spiritual as well as material. Unlike Communism, it does not believe that economic factors, i.e. the material aspect alone, dominate human existence. Nor does it contribute to what the pure spiritualists or idealists say, claiming that spiritual factors or high ideals alone are sufficient to organize human life. Rather, Islam holds that all these diverse elements put together, form what is called human society; and that the best code of life is that which takes note of all these, making full allowance for body as well as reason and spirit, arranging them all in the framework of a harmonious whole.
Third, it must always be kept in mind that Islam has an altogether independent existence of its own as a social philosophy and an economic system. Some of its outward manifestations may on the surface appear to resemble those of Capitalism or Socialism, but in fact, it is far from being the one or the other. It retains all the good characteristics of these systems, yet is free from their shortcomings and perversions. It does not extol individualism to that loathful extent which is the characteristic of the modern West. It was from this germ that modern Capitalism sprang and institutionalized that concept of individual freedom, where man is allowed to exploit other individuals and the community only to serve his personal gain. Islam guarantees personal freedom and provides opportunities for individual enterprise, but not at the cost of society or ideals of social justice.
The reaction to Capitalism has appeared in the form of Socialism. It idolizes the social basis to an extent that the individual is reduced to an insignificant part of the social machine with no existence of his own. Therefore, the community alone enjoys freedom as well as power, the individual has no right to question its authority or demand his rights. The tragedy of Socialism and its variants is that they assign to the State absolute powers to shape the lives of the individuals.
Islam strikes a balance between the two extremes of Capitalism and Socialism. Being appreciative of their role, Islam harmonizes the individuals and the State in such a way that individuals have the freedom necessary to develop their potentialities and not to encroach upon the rights of their fellowmen. It also gives the community and the State adequate powers to regulate and control the socio-economic relationships to guard and maintain this harmony in human life. The basis of this whole structure as visualized by Islam is the reciprocity of love between individuals and groups; it is not erected on the basis of hatred and class conflict, as is the case with Socialism.
It may also be pointed out here that this unique system of life as visualized by Islam, did not originate as a result of any economic pressure, nor was it an outcome of some mutually conflicting interests of antagonistic groups of people. It was revealed to the world as the ordained system of life, at a time when men attached no particular importance to economic factors, nor did they know anything about social justice in the sense we know it in modern times. Both Socialism and Capitalism are much later developments. Islam presented its scheme of social reform much before any of the social movements of our times. It guaranteed the basic needs of man – food, housing and sexual satisfaction – more than 1400 years ago. The Noble Prophet , said: ‘Whosoever acts as a public officer for us (i.e. the Islamic State) and has no wife, he shall have a wife; if he has no house, he shall be given a house to live in; if he has no servant, he shall have one; and if he has no animal (a conveyance), he shall be provided with one. Anyone who takes more than this has exaggerated (i.e. taken more than he deserves).’ [Ahmad]
This historical announcement of fundamental human rights not only contains those rights voiced by many a revolutionary in our times, it adds to them some more as well, without necessitating any inter-class hatred, bloody revolutions, and without rejecting all those human elements in life that do not fall under the above three heads: food, housing and family.
These are some of the salient features of the Islamic code of life. They are sufficient to show that a religion with such laws and principles, that is comprehensive and includes the complete human existence, emotions, thoughts, actions, worship, economic dealings, social relationships, instructive urges and spiritual aspirations – all arranged in the framework of a single harmonious but unique system of life, can never lose its usefulness for mankind. Nor can such a religion ever become obsolete, as its objectives are the same as those of life itself and therefore, destined to live on so long as there is life on this planet.
Considering the existing state of affairs in the contemporary world, humankind cannot reasonably afford to turn its back upon Islam or reject its system of life. Humankind is still afflicted with the most savage and odious forms of racial prejudices. Surely, the world in the twentieth century has yet a great deal to learn from Islam. Long ago, Islam freed humanity from all racial prejudices. It did not content itself with the presentation of a beautiful vision of equality alone, but it achieved in practice an unprecedented state of equality between all people, black, white or yellow, declaring that none enjoyed any superiority over the others except in virtue and piety.
It not only freed the black from slavery, but also fully recognized their rights to aspire even to the highest seat of authority in the Islamic State. They could become the heads of the Islamic State. The Prophet , said: ‘Listen and obey even if a black slave be appointed as your superior, so long as he should enforce amongst you the Law of Allaah (God).’
How can also the world of today ignore the message of Islam, stricken as it is with the evils of imperialism and tyranny with all their barbarous attributes? Islam alone can help humankind shake off these chains. It is opposed to imperialism and all forms of exploitation. The way Islam treated the people of the countries it conquered was so generous, just and sublime that the eyes of ‘civilized’ Europe can hardly penetrate those heights. We may in this regard cite the famous decision of the Caliph ’Umar to whip the son of ’Amr bin Al-‘Aas, the victorious general and honored governor of Egypt, as he had beaten an Egyptian Copt without any legal justification. This shows the social liberty and human rights that were enjoyed by the subjects of the Islamic State.
Then there is the evil of Capitalism that has poisoned all life. Its abolition and the need to rid humanity of its evil consequences again call for Islam.
Fourth, Islam prohibits usury and hoarding which, taken together, form the mainstay of the Capitalist economy. This, in other words, means that Islam alone can effectively check the evils of Capitalism as it did check them 1400 years ago.
Finally, the world with the shadows of war still hanging over it cannot but turn towards Islam – the only way to establish and maintain real peace on this earth. The era of Islam has in a way just started, not ended; it is not a spent force, but a living dynamic force, its future is as bright as its great historical past is glorious, when it illumined the face of earth at a time when Europe was still groping its way in the dark recesses of Medievalism.
kongsi maklumat bersama2..dan fahamkan.....
First, it must be well understood that Islam is not a mere ideological vision. It is a practical system of life that fully appreciates all the genuine needs of humankind and tries to realize them.
Second, in trying to meet the genuine requirements of man, Islam effects perfect balance between all areas of life and activity. It starts with the individual maintaining a balance between the requirements of body and soul, reason and spirit and in no case allows one side to dominate the other.
It does not suppress the human instincts in order to make the soul ascend the higher planes, nor does it allow man, in his efforts to fulfill his bodily desires, to stoop down to the low level of animalism and hedonism. On the contrary, it makes them both meet on a single higher plane, doing away with all the internal psychological conflicts that threaten the human soul or set a part of it against the other parts.
In the social sphere, it proceeds to achieve equilibrium between the needs of the individual and those of the community. It does not allow an individual to transgress against other individuals, or against the community. Nor does it allow the community to commit transgression against individuals. It also does not approve of one class or group of people to enslave another class or group of people. Islam exercises a beneficent constraint on all these mutually opposed forces, prevents them from coming into collision with one another, and harnesses them all to co-operate for the general good of humankind as a whole.
Thus, Islam strikes a balance between different sectors of society and between different aspects of existence, spiritual as well as material. Unlike Communism, it does not believe that economic factors, i.e. the material aspect alone, dominate human existence. Nor does it contribute to what the pure spiritualists or idealists say, claiming that spiritual factors or high ideals alone are sufficient to organize human life. Rather, Islam holds that all these diverse elements put together, form what is called human society; and that the best code of life is that which takes note of all these, making full allowance for body as well as reason and spirit, arranging them all in the framework of a harmonious whole.
Third, it must always be kept in mind that Islam has an altogether independent existence of its own as a social philosophy and an economic system. Some of its outward manifestations may on the surface appear to resemble those of Capitalism or Socialism, but in fact, it is far from being the one or the other. It retains all the good characteristics of these systems, yet is free from their shortcomings and perversions. It does not extol individualism to that loathful extent which is the characteristic of the modern West. It was from this germ that modern Capitalism sprang and institutionalized that concept of individual freedom, where man is allowed to exploit other individuals and the community only to serve his personal gain. Islam guarantees personal freedom and provides opportunities for individual enterprise, but not at the cost of society or ideals of social justice.
The reaction to Capitalism has appeared in the form of Socialism. It idolizes the social basis to an extent that the individual is reduced to an insignificant part of the social machine with no existence of his own. Therefore, the community alone enjoys freedom as well as power, the individual has no right to question its authority or demand his rights. The tragedy of Socialism and its variants is that they assign to the State absolute powers to shape the lives of the individuals.
Islam strikes a balance between the two extremes of Capitalism and Socialism. Being appreciative of their role, Islam harmonizes the individuals and the State in such a way that individuals have the freedom necessary to develop their potentialities and not to encroach upon the rights of their fellowmen. It also gives the community and the State adequate powers to regulate and control the socio-economic relationships to guard and maintain this harmony in human life. The basis of this whole structure as visualized by Islam is the reciprocity of love between individuals and groups; it is not erected on the basis of hatred and class conflict, as is the case with Socialism.
It may also be pointed out here that this unique system of life as visualized by Islam, did not originate as a result of any economic pressure, nor was it an outcome of some mutually conflicting interests of antagonistic groups of people. It was revealed to the world as the ordained system of life, at a time when men attached no particular importance to economic factors, nor did they know anything about social justice in the sense we know it in modern times. Both Socialism and Capitalism are much later developments. Islam presented its scheme of social reform much before any of the social movements of our times. It guaranteed the basic needs of man – food, housing and sexual satisfaction – more than 1400 years ago. The Noble Prophet , said: ‘Whosoever acts as a public officer for us (i.e. the Islamic State) and has no wife, he shall have a wife; if he has no house, he shall be given a house to live in; if he has no servant, he shall have one; and if he has no animal (a conveyance), he shall be provided with one. Anyone who takes more than this has exaggerated (i.e. taken more than he deserves).’ [Ahmad]
This historical announcement of fundamental human rights not only contains those rights voiced by many a revolutionary in our times, it adds to them some more as well, without necessitating any inter-class hatred, bloody revolutions, and without rejecting all those human elements in life that do not fall under the above three heads: food, housing and family.
These are some of the salient features of the Islamic code of life. They are sufficient to show that a religion with such laws and principles, that is comprehensive and includes the complete human existence, emotions, thoughts, actions, worship, economic dealings, social relationships, instructive urges and spiritual aspirations – all arranged in the framework of a single harmonious but unique system of life, can never lose its usefulness for mankind. Nor can such a religion ever become obsolete, as its objectives are the same as those of life itself and therefore, destined to live on so long as there is life on this planet.
Considering the existing state of affairs in the contemporary world, humankind cannot reasonably afford to turn its back upon Islam or reject its system of life. Humankind is still afflicted with the most savage and odious forms of racial prejudices. Surely, the world in the twentieth century has yet a great deal to learn from Islam. Long ago, Islam freed humanity from all racial prejudices. It did not content itself with the presentation of a beautiful vision of equality alone, but it achieved in practice an unprecedented state of equality between all people, black, white or yellow, declaring that none enjoyed any superiority over the others except in virtue and piety.
It not only freed the black from slavery, but also fully recognized their rights to aspire even to the highest seat of authority in the Islamic State. They could become the heads of the Islamic State. The Prophet , said: ‘Listen and obey even if a black slave be appointed as your superior, so long as he should enforce amongst you the Law of Allaah (God).’
How can also the world of today ignore the message of Islam, stricken as it is with the evils of imperialism and tyranny with all their barbarous attributes? Islam alone can help humankind shake off these chains. It is opposed to imperialism and all forms of exploitation. The way Islam treated the people of the countries it conquered was so generous, just and sublime that the eyes of ‘civilized’ Europe can hardly penetrate those heights. We may in this regard cite the famous decision of the Caliph ’Umar to whip the son of ’Amr bin Al-‘Aas, the victorious general and honored governor of Egypt, as he had beaten an Egyptian Copt without any legal justification. This shows the social liberty and human rights that were enjoyed by the subjects of the Islamic State.
Then there is the evil of Capitalism that has poisoned all life. Its abolition and the need to rid humanity of its evil consequences again call for Islam.
Fourth, Islam prohibits usury and hoarding which, taken together, form the mainstay of the Capitalist economy. This, in other words, means that Islam alone can effectively check the evils of Capitalism as it did check them 1400 years ago.
Finally, the world with the shadows of war still hanging over it cannot but turn towards Islam – the only way to establish and maintain real peace on this earth. The era of Islam has in a way just started, not ended; it is not a spent force, but a living dynamic force, its future is as bright as its great historical past is glorious, when it illumined the face of earth at a time when Europe was still groping its way in the dark recesses of Medievalism.
kongsi maklumat bersama2..dan fahamkan.....
Islam dan Sains tidak boleh dipisahkan......
Pemikiran Barat saat ini di tengah-tengah pertempuran hebat antara agama dan ilmu pengetahuan. Hal ini hampir tidak mungkin bagi seorang pemikir Barat saat ini untuk menerima fakta bahawa mungkin ada daerah pertemuan antara agama dan ilmu pengetahuan. Alkitab, di mana orang Kristian percaya, menyatakan bahawa pokok dari mana Nabi Adam (saw) dilarang makan adalah pohon pengetahuan. Dengan demikian, setelah ia makan dari itu, ia mendapatkan tertentu pengetahuan bahawa ia tidak memiliki dahulu. Untuk alasan ini, Eropah menghabiskan masa dua abad memperdebatkan apakah atau tidak menerima ilmu saintifik datang dari Muslim.
Gereja menetapkan bahawa perburuan terhadap pengetahuan sains itu adalah
penyebab dosa yang asli. Para biskop menarik bukti mereka dari Perjanjian Lama
Wasiat, di mana disebutkan bahawa ketika Adam memakan pohon itu dan
memperoleh pengetahuan, Allah tidak senang dengan dia dan menolak untuk memberikan
belas kasihan. Oleh kerana itu, pengetahuan ilmiah menolak sepenuhnya oleh Gereja
sebagai sesuatu yang tabu.
Akhirnya, ketika pemikir bebas dan saintis Barat mampu
mengatasi kuasa gereja, mereka membalas dendam dengan pergi dalam
arah berlawanan dan berusaha mengurangkan kekuatan agama. Mereka pergi
untuk semua cara yang membolehkan anda mengatasi kekuasaan Gereja dan
mengurangkan pengaruhnya menjadi sempit dan disudutkan.
Oleh itu, jika anda membicarakan persoalan agama dan ilmu pengetahuan dengan
barat, ia siap masuk ke hairanan belaka. Mereka tidak tahu Islam.
Mereka tidak mengetahui bahawa Islam memberikan status yang sangat tinggi untuk pengetahuan dan
orang pengetahuan, tentang mereka sebagai saksi, selepas para malaikat, ke Fakta bahawa tidak ada Tuhan yang patut disembah selain Allah dalam kebenaran, sebagaimana Allah
Sendiri telah mengatakan kepada kita dalam al-Quran:
Tidak ada Allah selain Dia: Itu adalah saksi Allah, malaikat-Nya dan
yang dilengkapi dengan pengetahuan. (Quran 3:18)
Gereja menetapkan bahawa perburuan terhadap pengetahuan sains itu adalah
penyebab dosa yang asli. Para biskop menarik bukti mereka dari Perjanjian Lama
Wasiat, di mana disebutkan bahawa ketika Adam memakan pohon itu dan
memperoleh pengetahuan, Allah tidak senang dengan dia dan menolak untuk memberikan
belas kasihan. Oleh kerana itu, pengetahuan ilmiah menolak sepenuhnya oleh Gereja
sebagai sesuatu yang tabu.
Akhirnya, ketika pemikir bebas dan saintis Barat mampu
mengatasi kuasa gereja, mereka membalas dendam dengan pergi dalam
arah berlawanan dan berusaha mengurangkan kekuatan agama. Mereka pergi
untuk semua cara yang membolehkan anda mengatasi kekuasaan Gereja dan
mengurangkan pengaruhnya menjadi sempit dan disudutkan.
Oleh itu, jika anda membicarakan persoalan agama dan ilmu pengetahuan dengan
barat, ia siap masuk ke hairanan belaka. Mereka tidak tahu Islam.
Mereka tidak mengetahui bahawa Islam memberikan status yang sangat tinggi untuk pengetahuan dan
orang pengetahuan, tentang mereka sebagai saksi, selepas para malaikat, ke Fakta bahawa tidak ada Tuhan yang patut disembah selain Allah dalam kebenaran, sebagaimana Allah
Sendiri telah mengatakan kepada kita dalam al-Quran:
Tidak ada Allah selain Dia: Itu adalah saksi Allah, malaikat-Nya dan
yang dilengkapi dengan pengetahuan. (Quran 3:18)
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Friday, 1 April 2011
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